

that girl.

because who you are is not where you’ve been. because who you are is not who you’ve been.

I love a new start. &I need one. //next month//

because who you are is where you are, who you are *right now*. so who do I want to be?

I want to be the girl who grabs a drink at her bar at least once a week.

I want to be the girl who is present &not stuck in her thoughts. I want to be the girl who talks to the hot guy first.

I want to be the girl that lets others in, but also protects her energy&space. //boundaries//.

I want to be the girl who feels like an adult by finding her own definition of the word //*not* including having house&kids//.

I want to be the girl who is confident in her body, regardless of her body.

I want to be the girl who eventually can tell the people in her life about this page &her writings.
