#whumpee and caretaker



When the whumpee and the caretaker aren’t talking because of an argument, and the whumpee gets captured by the whumper. The whumpee getting rescued by the caretaker and the rest of their team a few days later, and thinking that the caretaker still won’t want to talk to them. The caretaker surprising them by hugging them the first opportunity they get, and the whumpee breaking down crying, realizing that the caretaker was far more worried about their wellbeing than the stupid fight they’d had. The caretaker proceeding to fuss over them for a few days as they start to recover, and then the two of them talking about their fight once the whumpee is feeling up to it.




“Unexpected item in the baggage area.”

Caretaker sighed, too tired to keep telling Whumpee to get off. The little creature was jumping on the scanner, making it impossible for them to scan the single item they were trying to buy.

“Unexpected item in the baggage area.”

They looked at Whumpee, the several days spent with little to no sleep stealing every ounce of softness from their gaze. “Whumpee.”

Whumpee finally stopped for a moment, looking up at their new friend. Caretaker nodded in the direction of their backpack, signaling them to get the fuck inside.

“Unexpected item in the bagg-”

“I know!” Caretaker snapped at the machine, immediately regretting it as they realised how stupid that was.

Man… they just wanted their bagels.

@redstainedsocks BEHOLD YOUR POWER


And thanks @whumpthisway for making sure I saw this too
