#why are people like this


Just Saying.

(I interacted with a tweet and this is basically what happened.)

Disclaimer: the only thing I know about Turning Red is what I’ve seen here on Tumblr.

4 years before I was born, the cast of Grease was singing “Did she put up a fight?”

I was watching Dirty Dancing as a child with my conservative christian parents and no one ever explained to me what rape or a back alley abortion was.

I remember watching “Look Who’s Talking?” with an older cousin who was babysitting and asking what a lesbian was. I didn’t get an answer.

Conservatives are getting their panties in a twist (pun intended) about a cute animated movie teaching kids things they need to know? The horror!!

*dramatically faints on couch*


obviously all of the racism around the casting, especiallyannabeth’s casting, has been vile, but this comment right here. this is it for me. im at my limit. im about to cry and honestly it’s 60% from laughter. what the fuck is going on

he’s not even ginger
