#and i oop



Whumptober has got me all…

Just Saying.

(I interacted with a tweet and this is basically what happened.)


i have mastered the art of stressing out and not caring whatsoever simultaneously


something new, something different from the usual
why? why not :p

Well, my dumbass forgot that if I apply maxis textures on these “marvine feet” they will look like poopoo

So I quickly re-done it’s UV map to look normal with the maxis skintones and most cc skintones.


I can’t promise fantastic sex but what I CAN promise is stuttering and messy attempts at flirting, awkward stares with wonky smiles at you cause you’re just so pretty, nervously asking to hold your hand and the occasional dinner date.

Oh also blind loyalty, it does NOT take much to wrap me around your finger.

The sex doesn’t have to be fantastic so long as it gets me pregnant tbh 

Like Father Like Son

Some things I think we all need to acknowledge:::

1. That one pose

2. Dem smiles

3. The Agreste Hand Clench

4. “Stfu and listen”

5. The totally ingenious foolproof “I’m-not-a-miraculous-holder” stunt of the century

6. The bribing

7. “Let’s wreck shit”

8.1000% percent done with their kwami

9. Job revolves around their woman

10. “Sorry I have a double life that’s more important”

Greek parents be like

If my kids don’t go through the exact same amount of emotional trauma I did, I’ve failed as a parent




I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: it’s more important to know and understand fully why something is harmful than it is to drop everything deemed problematic. It’s performative and does nothing. People wonder why nobody has critical thinking skills and this is part of it because no one knows how to simousltansly critique and consume media. You need to use discernment.

This is ultimately why propaganda is going to work on you. Because you never learned how to think for yourself and the actual ideology behind things. You simply rely on group think and the bare minimum explanations to tell you what’s good and bad.

Sawthis article linked on twitter yesterday and…. yeah. YEAH. 



not to get too deep on main but did anyone else have such deeply rooted issues with their self worth for so long that they thought as a kid/teen that their only redeeming feature was being “low maintenance” and now as an adult you give yourself guilt pangs asking for any more than the barest minimum in virtually any relationship because asking for things might negate your only good quality which is just “doesn’t ask for things”

#you don’t believe you can be liked so you settle for being useful 


what if i was keeping you nice and warm with my pussy… and i started drifting off a lil because i’m so cozy… and then you get hard again and start thrusting  into me when i’m super sleepy and not expecting it… and then i start whining and whimpering while you use my little hole to get off…



Theyre right and they should say it. Slut it up, Connor, c'mon.

This aged… interestingly…

A quick doodle on the phone of @kame630 ’s beautiful baby boy, Vix (Demon Aziraphale), from a Good Omens Reverse! AU roleplay they currently have with @cephyalapod. Feel free to message them if you would like the link to their AO3, where they post the replies as a fanfiction.
