#why does disney insist on downplaying original characters


I had such high hopes….

I’m sorry, DarthVader#1, but you can’t retcon/rewrite your own canon movie called Revenge of the Sith. Darth Vader does not say no a bunch of times and then throw Palpatine against the wall. 

No. No. No.

Darth Vader screams “Nooooooo” (as cheesy as it may be), and Palpatine stands there totally un-phased and grins maniacally. That is movie-level canon, not a new Disney comic book (a company whose story organizers are already proving just as terrible with continuity and consistency as the Legends material writers - looking at you especially, Wendig ol’ boy). 

Sigh. Why are you doing this, Disney? It does not inspire confidence. You really shouldn’t lessen the original greats to make your money-making sequels sound more impressive.
