#why does knitting turn into crocheting


Knitting mod - responses to responses to questions


So it turns out that adding skill statistics (and potentially challenges) is pretty easy, and so I’m going to keep the skill not hidden, because the journal will at least have a purpose for looking at stats.

ANITMBsaid: I like the idea of not have skill challenges…knitting is mostly about relaxing and just enjoying the activity :)

A fair point and definitely the kind of vibe I want to go for here, though maybe one or two challenges like knitting a certain number of projects makes you faster at knitting would be a good middle-ground? Which I also feel like makes sense, because the more you knit, the faster you get, which isn’t necessarily the same as skill/harder projects?

SIMSDEOGLORIA said: I love the idea of projects being more grouped together into ‘beginner/intermediate/advanced’ …Personally I don’t ever use the skill journal (Is that weird?)

Honestly I never use them either! But it seems weird to me to have a completely empty journal :p And I guess that does make them pretty easy to ignore if you don’t want to bother with them. Glad you like grouped together projects!

PUFFKINS2000 said: Personally, I would like some failed knitting results…so I would prefer having some challenge to it. But I also like the idea of knitting to relax. Maybe there could be an option to knit for relaxing without knitting anything in particular? Also, is there a way to knit, perhaps, sweaters/hats/etc. to unlock in CAS as well?

Even without the skill journal there would still be failures, so if the sim has a low skill and attempts a high skill object, they’d likely fail. The skill journal challenges would be more like a bonus reward for knitting a lot etc. A knitting interaction that doesn’t go anywhere is actually a great idea, thank you! I guess it would be in the vein of “Practise Knitting” where the sim just knits until they are fed up, and there’s no outcome. That’s definitely something I want to add :D As for CAS items, it’s definitely crossed my mind but I don’t think it’s something I will look into until knitting objects is fully finished.

Thank you for storming your brains with me, and I will hopefully have some decent progress to show soon <3
