#why is every single number here calling me out






The adhd modes of food

1. You ate that burger so fast. You ate that burger so fucking fast and now the whole Red Robin is staring at you god what the fuck

2. You started eating like a normal person, but then you started talking or daydreaming and now the waitress is handing you the check but you’ve still got half a plate of cold fettuccine

3. You were going to go out to eat, but then you saw a video in your YouTube recommendation that drew you towards it like moth to a flame, and now it’s 10 pm and you’ve got an empty bag of tortilla chips in your hand and shame in your heart

4. Mac And Cheese

5. You got engrossed in a project, suddenly you feel like you’re going to die, or faint, or both? Oh. you’re hungry.

6. You’re hungry.  But every food you can think of sounds disgusting.  Time for your 15th day of lunchables for breakfast in a row.

7. You have food in the house. You did good. You made a meal plan(ish). You made a shopping list. You bought good food to cook with.

Now you’re either too tired to cook after planning, listing, shopping and putting it all away and you order in

or there’s Too Many Choices and your brain has shut off and you order in

8. you’re bored. food is stimulation. you’ve eaten eighteen snacks today and not one full meal, and that bag of plain wheat flour tortillas is calling you with a siren song you are in no position to resist.
