#why is it so hard to be loved


thanks for tuning into existential brain spiral! previously, we had ‘i am yearning for escapism’! next up, we have ‘i despise physical touch but i crave affection’, ‘will i ever truly be loved’, and ‘can i and will i let myself be loved?’! tonight we have a special bonus episode: ‘will i ever be okay with vulnerability without cringing myself into a black hole’!


1. sylvia Plath, the unabridged journals pt. 165 || 2. Mary lambert (art by @heavensghost ) || 3. cj hauser, the crane wife || 4. julie carr, real life: with voice and rights || 5. eliot knight || 6. sufjan stevens (art by @heavensghost ) || 7. ivan turgenev, first love

Why are my therapist’s session notes on tumblr?
