#wilbur x oc


Chapter 1- Masterlist

War. Violence. Bloodshed. That’s all that was happening at the time. No more peace and flower picking, only violence. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Eret, and Me have just one our first battle since Dream declared War on us. We were at Tommy’s house because that’s where Dream requested to talk. They then started to rain fire on us with their burning arrows. They showed no mercy. They just kept firing and firing at us. Yes I understand this is war but, there were children. Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy are children. Really shows us where their morales are. They then retreated away when we were shooting at them from Tommy’s house. We then started to march back to L’manberg. 

“Are you ok Tommy? Tubbo how about you?” I say walking to where they were. 

“We’re doing alright,” Tubbo says, wiping blood off his face. 

“I’m fine woman. Have you seen me? Im strong.” Tommy says, flexing his arms. 

“You guys are cut, your clothes are torn, my god. When we get back in the walls and are safe I am going to clean you guys up. I don’t want you to get sick.” I say, inspecting them. 

“Thank you Eliza, you don’t have too though.” Tubbo says smiling at me. 

“Of course I do. I gotta make sure you guys are safe and healthy. You’re my responsibility.” I say, cradling Tubbos face in my hand. “You too Tommy.” I say, ruffling his blonde hair. “Ok I’ll leave you guys be now.” I whisper, starting to walk back to where I was walking with Wilbur. 

“How are you feeling Liza?” Wilbur says to me whilst we are walking to L’Manberg.
“Eh, pretty good for being shot at.” I reciprocate, flashing a smile at him. 

“That’s good to hear love.” he says, calling me his favorite pet name. Love. It always made butterflies in my stomach. No matter how many times he has called me it.

Once we were in the walls, Tubbo and Tommy started climbing the tower to shoot at Sapnap, Dream, and George. Once they had hit them a couple times and Dream realized he can’t hit us, they retreated. 

“Yes Liza we did it!” Wilbur says grabbing my face gently in his hands. “We have won our second battle for our great nation!” He says, gesturing to L’Manberg. He then pulls me up for a gentle and passionate kiss. One that says, were ok. We’re going to be fine. We are then interrupted by Eret’s deep voice. 

“Follow me men, I have something to show you.” He then leads us to a small hill. He starts digging into the dirt a little until we are faced with a dark tunnel. 

“What is this?” I say running my hands over the stone walls while we walk. 

“Oh you’ll see.” Eret says, voice echoing through the tunnel. We walk a little farther until we are met with a dark room. A sign on the outside reads, ‘Final Control Room’. There are chests lining the walls with all of our names. Each of us walks to our designated chest. I walk over and find mine on the back wall. I give Wilbur a glance raising my eyebrows basically saying ‘what in the world is this?’ He then gives me a shrug and continues to open his chest. I then look down and open mine. ‘What?’ I think to myself. These are empty. 

“Eret these are empty,” I say, turning around, only to be met with Sapnap, George, and Dream jumping down and attacking us. 

“Wilbur!” I shout getting his attention. Sapnap then starts to attack everyone. First they hit Fundy, Tubbo, and Tommy. 

“Boys!” I shout running to where they were. They were hurt, badly. “Run!” I say but it was too late. They were killed by George and Dream. The children were killed by George and Dream. “You motherfuckers!” I scream at the top of my lungs while swinging my sword at them. I put up a good fight, as best as I could. I then look over at Wilbur. Right as I make eye contact with him, Sapnap shoves his sword into Wilburs chest. “No, no, no, NO!” I yell trying to get to Wilbur. Then as I take my first step I feel Dreams’ sword go through my abdomen. I collapse onto my knees in pain and take in the scene. Blood everywhere, Fundy, Tommy, and Tubbo have disappeared, probably respawned. Only Wilbur’s body was left. I watch as Dream, Sapnap, and George walk out of the room. Eret following them. The final thing I hear before I close my eyes is, 

“Down with the revolution boys, it was never meant to be.”

“Wilbur!” I yell to my lover. Running towards him in the flower field we were in. 

“Yes, love?” he asks, turning around to face me. Fondling and picking at a dandelion. 

“Would you like to go ride horses with me?” I say now in front of him. I sway a little on the uneven ground, gripping his forearm.

“Well darling, that sounds wonderful.” He says taking my arm, twirling me around. He then dips me down and puts the dandelion in my hair. He then pulls me up and says, “Let’s go get some horses and go!” We walk over to where there are horses in a pen. 

“I call the white one!” I call to him, grabbing the reins of the white horse. He then chuckles and looks down at the floor. 

“You can have whichever horse you want hun.” He says, hopping onto a black horse. “Are you ready?” he asks, taking the horse out of the pen and pausing. 

“Why yes I am.” I respond with a smile. We laugh a little and start to ride around. We go towards a spruce forest, wind blowing through our hair. Smelling the sweet berries around us, and feeling the warm sun on our backs. 

“Liza, look it’s your favorite flower!” Wilbur says pointing down to a lily of the valley. 

“It is!” I say happily. Wilbur then hops off of his horse to pick it. He then walks to where I am on my horse and says, 

“For my lady,” Handing me the flower. When I reach down to take the flower he pulls my hand to his lips and lays a gentle kiss. “I love you.” he says looking up at me. 

“I love you too.” I replied, taking the flower and putting it in a basket I brought with me. 

First, all I hear is voices. Many voices alike chattering and shouting. The most prominent one I hear is Wilburs. 

“What the fuck was that!” He shouts “And what the hell happened to Liza? Did she die? Cause if she did I shall never forgive that goddamn son of a bitch Eret.” After he says that, I come to my senses. I wake up just outside of the walls. I then sneak my way through them without being seen by Sapnap, Punz, or Dream. Once I am in the field and in the clear I start running towards the van. 

“Wilbur! Wilbur!” I start shouting, running even faster. Through the windows I see Wilbur look out to me. He then runs out the door and sprints towards me. Once I get close I then jump into his arms. He picks me up and I nuzzle my head into his neck. 

“Are you alright? Who hurt you?” He asks over and over, brushing his hands through my hair. 

“I- I’m fine.” I say, heart pounding. Relieved just to be back in his arms. “D-Dream killed me.” I say tears pricking my eyes. “Why, why did Eret do that?” I question Wilbur, pulling back to look into his eyes.

“ I don’t know why he did that or what was going through his head when it happened but all that matters is that all of us are alive.” He says putting his hand up to my face. “Let’s go up and discuss with the other what we’re going to do ok?” He says, putting me down. I then nod my head and take his hand and head over to the van where everyone is. When I walk in I see Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy all standing around the table in the middle of the room. 

“Oh thank god you boys are ok.” I say walking up to them, giving each of them tight squeezes. 

“Were ok Liza, were ok.” Fundy whispers in my ear when I give him a hug. When I pull back I give him an encouraging smile and pat his shoulder. 

“I can’t believe he did that.” Wilbur says, pacing the floor. “We have a traitor’s name on our damn Declaration of Independance.” He says, throwing his hands in the air. “I need to speak to Dream’’ Wilbur utters into his hand that was clenched into a fist. 

“No that is not happening.” I say walking over to face him. “You are not speaking to Dream. Not after what just happened.” I say sternly, staring deeply into his hazel eyes. 

“Liza, I have to for this nation, for our independence!” He shouts. “Do you want L’Manberg or not.” He says, bending down so he is eye level with me. 

“Yes.” I say staring at him again. “Fine go discuss with Dream but please,” I say grabbing his arm before he leaves. “Please be safe. I love you.” I say to him. 

“I love you too.” He responds. He then walks out of the van and runs to an opening in the walls to go and find Dream to speak to him. 
