#will not engage meaningfully only shitpost



So, since I have returned to this site, I’ve seen a few people going “oh no! what if Jonny looks at My Posts with the judgemental eyes of The Creator?! what if he reblogs me out of nowhere to the scorn of millions?”

Thus, in the interests of assuaging the growing Climate of Fear, I have composed the following

List of ways Jonny will be interacting with Tumblr dot com

Things Jonny will do

  • Shitpost / reblog shitposts
  • Answer asks that catch my fancy
  • Promote current projects or appearances

Things Jonny MIGHT do occasionally if the mood takes him

  • Quietly browse tags of finished projects (Magnus, Mechs, etc.)
  • Engage with posts that specifically @ me

Things Jonny almost certainly won’t do, but not going to swear to it

  • Answer asks about past projects (I’ve done plenty of Q&As and prefer to let them stand on their own)
  • Meaningfully engage with fandom stuff

Things Jonny will NEVERdo

  • Look at anything tagged #do not archive
  • Let you know whether or not I have seen your weird post about me or my work. You will never know.

Hope that clears things up and establishes that you have nothing to fear from my presence here. It’s fine. Go about your business. All is well.
