#will to kill



Play Demo>Will to Kill (TBA)

As an assassin you are not supposed to have any attachments. They could get you killed. At least that’s what the House of Felines taught me. However, their leader and I were already well acquainted before that organization came to be. I followed Frankie blindly; no questions asked. Yet when I want answers they try to kill me. Now I’m out for blood.

Inspired by Kill Bill


You will be able to fully customize the gameplay and your assassin. This includes:

  • Choose name, gender, pronouns, sexuality and appearance.
  • Choose your choice of weapon, code name, and the names of your two Rottweilers!
  • Plot revenge! Customize your hitlist and who you’ll be getting answers from first.
  • Build/break relationships. They can be romantic, friendly or a rivalry.
  • Choose between 4 customizable romance options.
  • Fight in combat but remember you can die.
  • Solve puzzles and find out secretsabout your past.


This story is mature and rated for 18+. There will be themes that are not suitable for underage people or people who are not comfortable with the following:

  • Explicit language
  • Depictions of heavy violence
  • Blood and gore
  • Optional sexual content

Romance Options

Josiah/Josie Foster, 25 (m/f)

The nurse that was determined to help you. They were the main nurse to take care of you while you were comatose. Ever since they heard what happened they were determined to help you no matter what. J is kind hearted and strong willed with the tendency to tease you. J is short in stature with a fuller build, blue eyes, light skin and shoulder length blonde wavy hair.

Winnie Takahashi, 23 (nb)

The weapons dealer who might be insane. Winnie is a very energetic individual who has a thrill for crazy adventures and explosions. They provide you with all the heavy arms you need with much enthusiasm and give intel about HoF. Winnie is of average height with light olive skin that is littered in tattoos and a thin and muscular build. They have their black hair in an undercut and brown eyes.

Anthony/Anita Benítez, 28 (m/f)

The assassin sent to kill you. A is a no nonsense kind of person. They only speak in a dry sarcastic tone. The only thing they seem to care about is getting their work done efficiently. Unfortunately, that work involves your demise. A has dark brown skin and a tall and muscular build. They have hazel eyes. Anthony’s hair is is shaved around the sided and back with the top is braided back into cornrows. Anita’s hair is braided back in cornrows into a low bun.

Sawyer/Sienna Wilson, 26 (m/f)

The adopted sibling of your ex. Not much is know about them. Frankie was always careful enough to keep them hidden. From what you could remember they always seemed shy and reserved and always avoiding eye contact. S is very tall with medium brown skin and a lanky figure. They has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Sawyers hair is to his chin, while Sienna’s is past her shoulders.

Francis/Francesca Reid, 27 (m/f)

The leader of HOF and your ex… Frankie is a wild card they do what they want, when they want, and how they want to do it. You’re relationship was cut short after you left but they still claim to love you. So why do they want you dead? Frankie is tall with light skin and a toned build. They have wavy red hair and green eyes. Francis hair is cut short while Francesca’s is past her shoulders.
