#winry rockbell

viria:do you ever just stop and think how proud Ed is of himself? He’s finally taller than Winry Y


do you ever just stop and think how proud Ed is of himself? He’s finally taller than Winry YAAAAY mission accomplished.

but in reality I draw random idealess shit the pisses me off>:C  this is pretty much what happens when you desperately want to draw someone but don’t have any ideas T_T

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so mini life update: i just started a new job! kinda sad because i spend so much of my day mentally preparing for work its hard to do things i love like art haha but oh well. 

i drew this a few weeks ago. i was trying to experiment with my style and stuff and here’s how it turned out! i wanna continue drawing comics but it takes so long :( like i’ve had several pieces on the backburner lowkey rotting away lol but these smaller character drawings are more manageable. 

azolitmin: we’ll say goodbye to lost heaven how we longed for heaven azolitmin: we’ll say goodbye to lost heaven how we longed for heaven azolitmin: we’ll say goodbye to lost heaven how we longed for heaven


we’ll say goodbye to lost heaven

how we longed for heaven

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Winry works to make her automail as affordable as she possibly can, especially because the majority of people who need it are manual laborers and traumatized war survivors, but she charges Ed as much as possible because the military pays for basically everything he has and she’ll jump at any chance to drain the government’s coffers.

She gets a sadistic sense of satisfaction putting everything she can think of on the bill that Ed doesn’t even look at and that Roy signs off on without reading.

Roy:Winry charged you 60,000 cens for three water cups.

Ed:That’s actually charging for the water in the cups. She just gave me a glass from the kitchen and kept filling it.

Roy: And the 15,000 cen pillow fluffing fee?

Ed:Yeah, I don’t know what to tell you, I think she just adds things at random.

Roy: Wow. I really admire her determination to drain our government’s money. Your payment request has been approved.

Winry but in squeaky shoes

A cute modern Winry I did!

We like to think that there are some festivals in Resembool where people can dance and enjoy themselves. Ed and Winry’s first participation ♥



pov: you gave alphonse elric pickles (RIP )

Well look at that, a sketch! I haven’t posted any of those in a while. Actually I haven’t done any o

Well look at that, a sketch! I haven’t posted any of those in a while. Actually I haven’t done any of those in a while, half a year probably. Lately art is a struggle, the pandemic and intense work schedule make me lose any will and inspiration to draw in my freetime. But with the upcoming spring I promised myself to break that cycle and  draw a little more often.

It’s funny how the first sketch page I’m actually happy with is a NSFW one. I’m sorry. This one was partially inspired by the great @fennethianell because of the beautiful and soft pictures she draws, I can’t get enough of them. And I’m actually really proud of myself, for such a long break from sketching this yurned out really nice. So have a little steamy time with my OTP in their 30s, I hope you enjoy

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I know it’s still early but I wanted to share it with you guys. It’s a piece I made for 503, the EdW

I know it’s still early but I wanted to share it with you guys. It’s a piece I made for 503, the EdWin day, because I don’t remember ever making anything for the occasion, despite FMA being my most favourite series ever and this being my ultimate OTP. So there you have it. A little glimpse of their future, according to my headcanon. Maybe a moment stolen during some holidays to the southern countries. I was inspired by Greece and those beautiful flowers that grows everywhere there.

Quite honestly I’m really happy how this piece turned out. I actually had to redraw it twice because the first time the paper did not allow me to achieve the effects I wanted, the second time I messed up some things so third time’s the charm I guess. But it’s here and it’s finished. I hope you can enjoy. Stay strong and stay home, be good to your family

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