

This is my masterlist for the @starkbucksbingo2020.
Mods, thank you for organizing this event~ *hugs*

It’s a Bingo~

Collaborator Name : J_Gun_i
The square+prompt: B5 - Didn’t know they were dating
Link:The Other Earth- Chapter 1:  A Whisper In The Night

Collaborator Name : J_Gun_i
The square+prompt:I2 - Happy Ending
Link: Guarding You- Chapter 9: Guarding You

Collaborator Name : J_Gun_i
The square+prompt: I4 -Past
Link:A Fairytale, This Is Not

Collaborator Name : J_Gun_i
The square+prompt: N3- Free
Link:The Difference Between Before And Now

Collaborator Name : J_Gun_i
The square+prompt: G4- “Kiss Me”
Link:Not Again

Collaborator Name : J_Gun_i
The square+prompt : G2- "Who Are You?”
Link:And They Were Roommates

Collaborator Name :
The square+prompt:O1 AU: Artist/Muse
Link:The Muse’s Mark

Collaborator Name :
The square+prompt: O2 Shoot first ask never
Link:The kill shoot- Chapter 9: Is This It?


For the @buckybarnesbingo

A big thank you @dreaminglypeach who betaed most of my work and made it possible for me push out one piece after another.

Everyone at the bbb discord, you guys are amazing too and it was terrific to join you in the Round Ribon Madness!!!! 

B1: Thirst ~ Guarding You- Chapter 2: Guard Your Heart ~ Rating: E ~ WinterIronHusbands
B2: Kink: edging ~ Competitive Edge  ~Rating: E ~ Stucky, hinted Stuckony (prerelationship)
B3: Lost their powers ~ BBB November 2020 Round Robin  ~Rating: G
B4: Collateral damage ~ BBB Discord Party Round Robin  ~Rating: T ~ Stucky, FrostPepperony 
B5: Bucky/Tony ~ The Muse’s Mark  ~Rating: M ~WinterIron

U1Kink: you’re such a tease ~ Your Teasing Makes Me Hot  ~Rating: E  ~WinterIron
U2Image: Tony fixing Bucky’s arm ~ The Difference Between Before And Now  ~Rating: M ~ (pre) WinterIron
U3: Graveyard ~ HYDRA’s Dolly  ~Rating: T  
U4: Rhodey/Tony/Bucky ~ Are You Sure About This?  ~Rating: E ~ WinterIronHusbands
U5: Partner in crime ~ Catch Me If You Can  ~Rating: E ~ WinterIron

C1: Presumed dead ~ A Letter To The Dead  ~Rating: M ~ WinterIron
C2: Jealously ~ And They Were Roommates  ~Rating: T ~  WinterIron, one-sided Justin/Tony
C3: Free square ~ Stupidi in amori  ~Rating: T ~Stuckony
C4: Kink: knife play ~ I Trust You  ~Rating: M ~ Stucky
C5: Mind control or brainwashing ~ The Name You Gave Me  ~Rating: M 

K1: Kink: body worship ~ To Love Every Peace Of You  ~Rating: E ~WinterIron, (background) Steve/Rhodey
K2: “Are you even trying?” ~ BBB Round Robin Fic - October 2020  ~Rating: T ~ everyone is poly because Avengers  
K3: Kink: body modification ~ Modify Babe  ~Rating: M ~ WinterIron
K4: Writing format: outsider POV ~ The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 5: A List Of Sins  ~Rating: M 
K5: Great depression ~ The other Earth (-Beginning-)  ~Rating: M ~WinterIronWidow

Y1: Murder strut ~ Not Again  ~Rating: E ~ WinterIron
Y2: Bodyguard ~ Guarding You - Chapter 1: En Garde  ~Rating: E ~WinterIronHusbands
Y3: Take the shot ~ Guarding You- Chapter 9: Guarding You  ~Rating: E ~WinterIronhusbands
Y4: Surprise dancing ~ Missed Dance- Second Chance  ~Rating: G ~ WinterIron
Y5: Rescue mission ~ The reason why Fury doesn’t do vacations.  ~Rating: T ~WinterIronFury
