


A WinterPrincess Series

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Shuri

Series Warnings: **18+**, Canon-Typical Violence, TFATWS Spoilers, General Winter Soldier Warnings/Mentions of Past Murders, Mental Health Issues, Depression, Angst, Platonic Relationship to Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Fluff, Eventual Smut

Series Summary: First he was called James Buchanan Barnes. Then he was called Bucky. Steve called him Buck, and his men called him Sergeant Barnes. After he fell, he was known simply as the Winter Soldier. 

The Ghost.

Now, seventy years later, he’s not sure what he should be called anymore. He’s not sure how much of any of the old names still remain to him, but the Princess says she can help him rid himself of the demon on his back. She says she can help free him from the Soldier.

She calls him White Wolf.

A/N: This series is a labor of love between @purselover2and@constantwriter85​, BFF’s and partners-in-crime, and was borne of our never ending conversation and speculation on all things WinterPrincess. It’s a little bit of a different series for us, because we will be releasing each part out of order as a separate one shot. They’ll all be organized here, in order (even though the trigger words aren’t). This series starts at the end of CACW, and will follow through the events of TFATWS and after. 






A WinterPrincess One Shot

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Shuri​​

Word Count: 1764

Warnings:*18+**, TFATWS Spoilers, TFATWS fix-it, Smut, Fluff

Summary: Bucky visits Shuri in Wakanda while she’s making Sam’s new suit. 

A/N: This is a sequel to Longing, but it can be read on its own. After a lot of talk with my bff @purselover2​, decided to collaborate and create a little WinterPrincess AU set within the timeline of TFATWS. Hope you enjoy it!

This fic contains spoilers for the show, so heed the warnings. Dividers by @firefly-graphics

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This was my birthday present. You all better be glad I love you enough to share.

@constantwriter85 you are too good to me. I love ya. ❤️
