#winx reboot


This is quite literally the last transformation I would’ve expected to design next in full and YET

Anyway, here’s cosmix lol

Each being is connected to a celestial body that best fits them and their magic. This is decided by the celestial energy itself when it connects to them when the transformation is accessed. Their wings glow all the time in other transformations too, I just never add it. I added it to this one though because it’s celestial energy that’s holding everything together and is therefore would be considered a unique type of glow and I wanted to demonstrate that here.

Theres some info on celestial energy and how cosmix works in my thing atm (I’m still mulling around some different ideas and still have to watch the season to know for sure what I’m changing and keeping) and cosmix in general in this ask!

Details on the designs and explanations for the celestial bodies each Winx is connected to below!

Stella is connected to stars, big and bright and able to draw people in. She gets a huge burst in power with this transformation since she already has connections to suns naturally and her magic is celestial based to begin with. The Greek symbol for stars are used in her look a lot. She also feels the most comfortable out of the winx with this transformation.

Flora is connected to planets. This speaks to her more grounded personality and affinity for plant life, since thats typically where its located. It also is a reference to her tendency to orbit big personalities rather than be a big one herself. I tried to reference the Greek symbol for Earth in her design a lot.

Musa is connected to comets. They’re small and can leave a big impact if they collide with something. They leave a trail if they enter an atmosphere too, and this speaks to her influence and more eye catching bursts of energy she can have sometimes. She’s small but powerful and has more sway than she gives herself credit for. I tried my best to incorporate the Greek symbol for comet and allude to tails with her accessories and details.

Tecna is connected to satellites. They orbit planets (speaking to their connection to Flora since they’re the closest to each other) and can be a variety of things, speaking to their versatility in combat and planning. Their wings have no physical connection to their body and are only held to them by celestial energy.

Aisha is connected to asteroids, icy and large. This speaks to her water based magic as well as her ability to make quick judgements that aren’t often swayed unless shown good reason to change her mind as well as her sure sense of self and presence. As I’ve said before, she’s the most sure of herself and put together of the winx and that makes her a force to be reckoned with. I references the Greek symbol for comets in her design too since they’re similar to comets in their shape and ability to float relatively freely, and as a reference to her relationship with Musa in my thing. I also aimed to allude to the symbol for Europa with the mark on her leg since it’s a large icy moon.

Bloom is connected to galaxies. This speaks to her ability and want to try and keep everyone together and The Dragon Flame being at the center of creation for life, everything revolving around it. I tried to incorporate spirals as her main symbol as a reference to The Milky Way.

Catch me with my disorganized Winx club world building journal trying to keep track of all the separate names a single event was given depending upon who the group of beings were that witnessed or heard about it were because I wanted to be difficult and try and add that extra layer of realism to my stuff

Forced myself not to draw anything for a week because my wrists were absolutely destroyed and I was in immense pain and exhausted from scrambling to get all my classes done for the semester.

Did a really quick healed Daphne sketch to try to get back into the swing of things since summer courses start up tomorrow. I need to figure out how I want her cane to look. I think she’d like a few designs or patterns on it.

Lord Darkar, aka The Shadow Phoenix

He would take claim as the organizer and leader responsible for The Fall of Domino (even though he wasn’t actually as in charge as he thought he was of the other factions that came together for the attack)

My version of him in my rewrite (for now anyway, I’m still not totally happy with his look but I’m exhausted and decided this was ok for the time being)

I’ll post some lore on him in my thing later when it isn’t finals week and I have things organized in a more coherent way

Also I don’t actually know how tall he is apparently because I couldn’t find a height chart that went over 10 feet in my whole 5 seconds of scouring lol

I only know how tall he is in relation to Daphne (and even then I might change that later but shhhh) so enjoy my makeshift size comparison sheet instead

Current last audio message sent to a friend explaining my thought process for how I come up with lore after 8 minutes of other audio messages that have my unhinged ramblings of said lore for my rewrite

Hey guys I’m explaining this to one of my friends who’s never seen Winx club and only knows about it through the large swaths of infodumping and rewrite stuff I do so hence my elaboration on some stuff that may be common knowledge to a lot of you, but please know that this is legit what my thought process is like when I go to come up with lore for my stuff and that im feral.

It’s essentially the ramblings of a madman

Except along with the already unhinged nature of my though process, I’m off my meds atm because of money and exhausted beyond belief so there’s extra cursing to stall for time, stuttering, and Im getting some words wrong and some things are a little off but I’m too tired to resend the audio messages with correct info lol

Me coming up with Winx club lore based off of a single offhanded comment dropped literally only once in literally only one episode EVER in the entirety of the series and then going down a rabbit hole with it

I haven’t gotten it all fleshed out yet but here’s the basics of how The Nymphs work in my rewrite!

I have it set up so there are 8 “Realms” (groups of planets and galaxies. they’re split up kind of like states, provinces, prefectures, etc. in our world) in The Magical World (the blanket term for all of the places that hold and use magic, sometimes referred to as Magix. This is the term used more colloquially by beings and becomes the more popular and preferred term for it in modern times) and they each have a respective Nymph that acts as a supreme protector and helps make sure things stay in balance. This is the job of Guardian Fairies on planets too, but Nymphs are to act as supreme watcher of the area and to help reenforce and make sure things are going smoothly, since Guardian Fairies aren’t always guaranteed to do that and don’t have access to the feelings of the magical energy that courses throughout the entirety of a Realm.

Nymphs also act on a board to make broad decisions for the Magical Realms and talk and debate broad policies and stuff.

It’s common for Nymphs to be assigned to the Realm their home planet is from, but that isn’t always the case.

One a new being gains Nymphix, The 9 Nymphs of Magix are made aware of it and it’s put into their official records located in Their Stronghold. This is a location that acts as a meeting place that is in a part of The Celestial Realm. It’s located in the same space as the area a being who has completed The Trials on The Road to Nymphix goes to present themselves before The Council of Elders to see if they are approved to gain Nymphix.

This ensures that the area is a place only a select few have access to due to the power needed to access it and that The Council of Elders can oversee it and step in or be called upon if needed.

It’s important to clarify too that if a being gains Nymphix, it doesn’t automatically make them a Nymph. Nymph is a title and position of power. Nymphix is a transformation. You must have the transformation to be eligible for it though.

To become a Nymph you must apply and be properly reviewed by both the current Nymphs and The Council of Elders. Once an application is put in and is in review, it is discussed about whether a current Nymph is willing to step down or will be forced to step down if need be (for reasons of the new applicant being a more worthy candidate or for issues of self serving ideology when presented with the new candidate). A Nymph being forced to step down is EXTREMELY rare though as typically if you’ve gone through all the trouble of gaining Nymphix and then going through the review process and being reviewed to become a Nymph, there’s an understanding of the importance of balance and upkeep of The Magical World and the need to prioritize that.

It’s expected for The Nymphs to keep each other in line and to strike down any sort of more corrupt and selfish thinking from one of their fellow Nymphs too, and if there’s an issue where they do have to decide to force one of them to step down, they’re pretty much the most powerful beings in all The Realms and have the ability to overtake one of a few of them if they’re being difficult, and if they can’t or aren’t willing to, The Council of Elders can ensure it’s done.

If the Applicant is considered a worthy candidate of become A Nymph, it is sent for finalization by The Council of Elders. They have the power to veto or approve this decision. They always have a review of the applicant as well just in case issues such as personal grudges or biases sway the decision of The Nymphs and as a result The Council can make executive decisions if needed. Once again though, this is INCREDIBLY rare and has only happened a few times in the entire history of The Magical World existing.

If a Nymph is forced to step down or something happens to them (old age, corruption, a dwindling physical or mental state, stuff like that) old applicants who weren’t approved and current holders of the Nymphix transformation will be looked through to find someone who is considered a worthy successor. Sometimes The Nymph who is to step down can make recommendations too on who they would prefer succeed then and they will be looked into more before other suggestions from other Nymphs are taken into account and others who aren’t recommended are looked at.

After The Fall of Domino, things get dicey with The Nymphs, as touched upon and explained some in this ask, and Nymphs become a thing of long ago and are only referred to in the records of history, and even then, not that much or at all in more recent records.

The time of their rule is known officially as The Age of Nymphs and at the time of my story and it’s current events, that time has been over for a little over 1000 years.

Hey everybody say hi to Politea, one of the Nymphs of the 8 Realms of Magix and eventual corrupted spirit tethered to the nearly decayed Sirenix transformation.

General outline for how that happens mentioned in this ask!

I incorporated her colors from canon into this the best I could while also merging them with some of Daphne’s canon color palette since she’s going to essentially be in Daphne’s place during the events of season 5, even if she’s only going to appear as a pretty much mindless and murky almost oily type of spirit being during that time.

She’s a few years older than Daphne and they were friends growing up. They properly met during a banquet that was held following a diplomatic conference that took place over the course of a few days. They lived in separate Realms (Magix is the name of the entirety of the magical universe as well as the name of its capital planet and city. It’s divided into 8 separate chunks called Realms in my thing) but they stayed in contact and met up when they could, often times under the guise of training together (their parents knew they wanted an excuse to play and hangout too but they pretended to be none the wiser because it amused them greatly how earnestly they insisted on the importance of cultural exchange and planetary knowledge with very serious and solemn tones).

They both underwent the trials on The Road to Nymphix and eventually achieved Nymph status and were assigned protection over their perspective Realms with Daphne eventually going on to become Supreme Nymph of Magix and having someone else take over as the Nymph for the Realm she was originally in charge of.

They started the trials at the same time, but Daphne excelled quicker and became a Nymph sooner than Politea. This did upset Politea, but it made her upset with herself, not Daphne. She did have some jealousy when they were younger because of Daphne’s natural proclivity for magic and her immaculate wielding of The Flame, but they dealt with that after she blew up at her in a big fight in their younger teens.

Daphne was her biggest supporter and number one fan and helped her with her training even after she became a Nymph and Politea was still working to complete the trials.

No sabotage or jealousy here in my thing, just support lol

Politea gained Nymphix a few years later and was given Nymph status soon after at what was still considered a young age by Nymph standards.

Then after a year or so The Fall of Domino happened and she tethered herself to Sirenix in an attempt to save it in the hopes there could be future Nymphs.
