#wire art



Beautiful metal tree art….

#wire art    




I love this so much

[Image IDs: Three photos of a wire teddy bear. Image 1: Front view of the teddy bear, it is built from Skeleton made up of black wire. It has brown button eyes and a leather wrapped nose. The smiling mouth is is copper-colored wire. Its right arm is raised into a wave and the left is further back. Inside of it is loose stuffing.

Image 2: A photo showing full body profile of the sculpture. This highlights the round belly that gets wider near the bottom. The wire fastenings if the knots down the front and across the arm are more easily visible.

Image 3: A photo close-up of the teddy bear’s face. This shows details on the buttons, the left eye is a white button with brown spots and the right is a solid brown. The round ears are uneven. /End ID]

3-D Wire project, I thought it’d create a nice contrast w/ it being metal/ hard/ open compared to the soft/ squishy nature of stuffed animals.

Earrings being hammered out to make the designs sturdy and sweeeeet

Earrings being hammered out to make the designs sturdy and sweeeeet

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