#wish he was there



If circumstances had been different, and Stede and co had run into Calico Jack naturally while Izzy had still been on the ship, Izzy would have fallen a little in love with Stede when he kicked Calico Jack off the ship.

He wouldn’t have been happy about it. But I fucking know that Izzy must have despisedCalico Jack and his influence on Ed. 

And when Calico Jack killed Karl, Ed just hung back, unsure: He knew he should say something, but he couldn’t, or didn’t know what to say, and you bet Izzy would have been seething at that too.

But Stede stepped forwards, he was a Captain, he banished this nuisance off the ship, all quiet anger and stern eyes, and Izzy would have taken one look at him and felt that little flutter in his chest and thought oh fuck no
