#witch circle



I’ve discussed warding and covered the basics, but now lets get in to some practical techniques your protecting yourself, your home, and your family.

This is going to be a long one, so buckle up. 

Iron: A powerful tool against fey, most other spirits, and against evil and malevolent spells.

  • Sew bits of iron (such as nails) into the hems of your clothes. Only works while wearing those clothes.
  • Wear an iron ring or bracelet.
  • Wrap an iron coffin nail in brown silk and carry it with you for protection against curses.  

Wearing a pentacle is another simple protective practice amongst witches. The pentacle represents the five (yes, five) elements of fire, water, earth, air and akasha (spirit). Therefore, a pentacle provides the protection of all of these elements. Water guards your emotions. Air guards your intellect. Fire guards against actions brought against you. Earth guards against physical harm (especially physical harm from magickal sources). Akasha obviously guards against negative energies and spirits.



Circles are also powerful protective symbols. An unbroken circle can be designated as a “safe-zone”, allowing only that which is allowed into it. Of course, this is best used when practicing magick, as the raising of energy can occasional attract the wrong kind of attention. However, only those energies that have been specifically invited into a circle are welcome to stay. 

I like to use the elemental method, instructions for which are here!

Circles, however, can be cast with a number of different things:

  • Chalk
  • Charcoal
  • Salt
  • Fiery Wall of Protection powder
  • Red brick dust
  • Vervain
  • Vermilion
  • Whiskey
  • Rum
  • Flour

There is much more, but these are some basics. You can also cast invisible circles using a wand or Athame (Made of iron or steel is best).

When and where to cast a circle:

  • Draw circles during rituals and spells. 
  • Draw circles around sickbeds
  • Draw circles around women in childbirth
  • Draw circles around your own bed, and the especially the beds of infants and young children.


Salt is a powerful protective tool. Salt represents the earth, and therefore also represents that Earth Mother. Salt is also cleansing, and repels malevolent spirits. 

Sage your home often, cleansing it of negativity, being sure to leave a window open for the negativity to escape. Be sure to get in corners and in low places as well as in high places. When finished, close the window, and then pour salt on all window ledges and in front of all outside doors. Natural sea salt works best. I also, for added protection, draw a pentacle with my wand over the doors and windows.

Re-do this once a month for best results.  

Spiritual Protection

Spirit guardians and guides serve as excellent protection against anything unwanted. However, do not make the mistake of thinking their protection is good enough. It is absolutely essential to learn how to protect yourself instead of relying solely on your spirit guide to do it.

Your Spirit Guide/Guardian

Your Spirit animal/familiar may also provide protection to you as well. Usually, your spirit animal isusually separate from your spirit guardian. For example: My spirit animal is a Wolf, but my Spirit Guardian’s animal (yes, spirit guardians have spirit animals too) is an Owl. 

There are also more advanced theories of magick such as thoughtformsandtulpas that are created with a certain purpose. Usually these spirits are created within your own astral temple and then made stronger over time. Again, this is advanced magickal theory.

NOTE: I would not, unless you know exactly what you are doing, enter a contract with any spirit/deity/demon/angel for use as a protective measure. Often, these contracts contain dangerous “clauses” that cause more harm than good.

However, if you happen to have a connection to your spiritual ancestors they are usually willing to provide protection without entering a contract. At the same time, this protection only lasts as long as it suites them. It’s possible that your ancestors are loyal to you. Or it’s possible that they will abandon you the first time danger arises.

Spells and Such For Protection

This list of spells will likely grow over time as I find/write more spells for the purpose of protection.

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil/Powder

Protection Enchantment
