#witch spring

Things to do for a Spring WitchSpring isn’t really my jam, but I do like to incorporate seasons into

Things to do for a Spring Witch

Spring isn’t really my jam, but I do like to incorporate seasons into my practice. I love how each season brings with it a certain focus so you can really explore your magic throughout the whole year.

March 20th  is the first day of spring this year, and where I live we have had a long snowy winter so I’m really ready to incorporate some warm days into my magic. 

1 Clean out your witchy supplies

It gets to be a mess, I know. Spring is a great time to cleanse and purge your witchy things. Donate what you don’t need and organize the rest. Your magic will thank you. 

2 Do a big ritual cleanse for all your baddy spell casting

Kidding, but for real. Spring is a time for cleansing. 

3 Sweep out the negativity from your life 

This is not in the literal sense. To do a broom cleanse, open all your windows and doors and take your broom two inches above the floor metaphorically ‘sweep’ the negativity out of your space. 

4 Spring walks for collecting items

Spring is the best time for finding witchy things outside. I’ve found insect wings, small animal bones, rocks, anything you think you’ll need for your craft. 

5 Spells for New Growth

Ready to get that new job? New home? Or start a new business? Spring is the nest time to piggyback off that energy. 

6 Spells for Abundance

Want to attract more abundance around this time? Add dill or parsley to a drawstring bag and place it on your altar or carry it with you. 

7 Charge your Crystals (for real this time)

I’m not the greatest when it comes to taking all my crystals outside and charging them under the full moon because really it’s a nuisance. But I try to commit once a year and spring it when it is. 

8 Cleanse your tools

While you’re charging your crystals, do some more magical spring cleansing and charge your tools too. 

9 Honor your Ancestors with fresh picked flowers 

Next time you’re outside, pick up some fresh dandelions or spring flowers and place them in a vase for your ancestors. 

10 Draw, write, meditate outside

Take some time to sit outside and reflect. 

11 Focus on spiritual growth

Remember that the season of spring is all about new growth, growing spiritually and creating the life you want for yourself. 

12 Spring Clean your space

Sometimes it starts with the mundane work. Take some times this spring and clear out your physical space, sometimes it helps with your mental space too.

13 Make sun water

Make sun water on the first full spring day for the masculine equivalent to moon water. 

14 Go outside, camp, take a walk, connect with nature

This one speaks for itself, but go outside, connect and get out of the winter mood. 

15 Grow your food for spells

Even if you don’t have a lot of space (me!) take an old terra cotta pot and grow some tomatoes or zucchini. Use the vegetables in a soup spell. 

16 Grow herbs

Another way to bring spring into your home is to grow herbs. Start with basil on your windowsill and go from there. 

17 Make sun tea

Sun tea is simply making tea and setting the pitcher outside letting the sun brew the tea for a few minutes. Create sun tea and absorb that good energy from the sun in every tea glass. 

18 Press flowers or leaves

Press flowers or leaves gathered from your next walk and use them to decorate your spell book or journal.

19 Read tarot 

Do a really intense tarot reading for the season and see what’s headed your way.

20 Learn a new divination 

Spring is the perfect time to pick up a new skill. If you’ve been leaning towards learning a new divination technique, now is the perfect time to learn it!

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