#witcher lambert x reader


Gwent 2- Witcher Lambert

Request: “Hello my dear! I just read the Gwent fic with Lambert and I was curious if you would write a second part? I loved it and the ending made me curious about what might happen the next morning with Lambert talking to Jaskier, the other witchers reactions to lambert losing his clothes in the game etc. I would love to read it! Thank your for sharing your wonderful writing!”

AN//Thank you!!! I really hope you like this! It took me a bit to actually think of a plot, but I enjoyed writing it. Thank you very much for spending time reading and requesting! And double thank you for the kind words : ) Much love!

Lambert x F!reader (Game/books in mind, but no spoilers and can be replaced by Netflix Lamb ig)

Language warning?

Part 1 - can be read without but first part recommended


Cards. Cards are everywhere. It was as if a Gwent elemental had formed, and Lambert had fought tooth, nail, and… shirt to keep it at bay. Eskel hadn’t even meant to stop, but the whirlwind that is Lambert distracted him from his morning goat duties. When the bulkier witcher finally made it to the table, there was a lot to take in.

His youngest brother had his trousers on, unlaced, with his shirt laying on the edge of the table. From what inventory Eskel could gather, Lambert’s entire collection laid out in unorganized piles around them. Some on the table, some on the bench. Brows rose when he noticed the smaller, haphazardly strewn about pile on the floor. Once, when Lambert caught Geralt doing the same thing, and the younger practically had a mental breakdown, going on about ‘card abuse’ and ‘disrespecting the game’. Their human friend’s cards laid in a nice pile, faced down.

“So, it went well last night?” He wasn’t reallyteasing. The large witcher was honest in not understanding the scene in front of him. Sharp eyes flew to his, a sour expression accompanying them. Before Lambert could form a response, a small epiphany flew over his features. Strong hands flew over card piles, quickly rearranging things. Finally, after a few minutes of silence cut by card movement, Lambert finally looked to his brother.

“Why don’t you go entertain the one thing that actually wants you here?” Eskel’s eyes rolled before looking back down at the piles, still trying to find the logic in them. He knelt down by the pile on the floor, fingers gently tapping them around to see them all.

“You do know women don’t find an innate need to beat them at cards charming? Maybe-.”

“When you actually find someone, then I’ll listen. All courting knowledge you have is from those dumb books you haul back every year.”

“Wow, look at this.” The bard’s voice cut the two witchers short. His slimmer frame found itself across the table from the young witcher, arms resting around Y/n’s deck that lay there. Geralt quietly slides in next to him, steady hand reaching for said deck.

“Finally, someone I can talk to!” All eyes flew to his form in shock. Eskel’s hands also went up slightly in mock offense. Jaskier looked bashful for once, but excitement bubbled in his eyes. If it was what he was hoping for, winter is about to get so much more fun. Geralt was looking at Eskel, smirk on his face before looking back to Lambert. Said man was looking to him, eyes showing betrayal. “Geralt. You’re better than that.” The White Wolf’s body seized and froze.


Lambert’s finger jabbed in the direction of Geralt’s held out hand. His fingers where barely grazing Y/n’s deck but to Lambert it was like spitting on it.

“You don’t look at other people’s deck, dumbass. It’s rude.” There was a single moment of silence before laughter erupted around him. Lambert grumbled under his breath before looking to his cards. Once the poet across from him settled down, Lambert looked to him once more. “Buttercup and I have some private business.” Eskel scoffed, looking up from his still crouched position near the floor cards.

“We’d be more inclined to leave if you just asked.” Lambert remained seated, but he twisted his upper body to face his older brother.

“I’d be more inclined to shove my foot up your-.” Again, the poet’s voice cut their conversation short.

“Lambert, I would love to hear what you have to say.” Blue eyes flew to Eskel, and his elbow gently jabbed the wolf that lingered close to his side. Geralt grumbled but he stood. He meandered his way towards the kitchens mentioning grabbing breakfast for himself. Eskel was still hesitant, ready to tease the younger witcher more, but the bard’s eyes were pleading. The large witcher sighed, conceding only for Y/n’s sake. He knew how much the human yearned, and he only wanted her to be happy. Even if it was with a fool like his little brother.

Once Lambert knew all other parties were out of ear shot, he nodded to the man across from him. The bard leaned back, motioning his hands in no certain direction, showing Lambert had the floor. A moment ago, he had all the courage and pride as his normal self, but now all he felt was vulnerability.

“Well, uh, obviously…” he trailed. He waved a hand in the air as though it would conjure the sentence for him. “You understand how courting works.” Jaskier had once again leaned over the table, trying to show his full attention was to this matter. Though, he wasn’t too helpful, as he simply agreed with the sentence. “So, that means you would know how one would go about beginning the process.”

“Another astute observation.” The bard took pity to the desperation behind those sharp, yellow eyes. He gave a small smile before leaning in even further, dropping his voice to just above a gentle whisper. “You already have her attention. More than that, it seems. Y/n isn’t a noble or some all-powerful sorceress.”

Lambert looked like he was at the edge of his seat, eyes beckoning him to continue.

“You have the freedom to court her however you see fit, really. You don’t need to worry about meeting families or failing to impress her. Simply prove your value in your relationship.” Lambert’s fingers rub against his hairline, trying not to get frustrated.

“But we aren’t in a relationship.” The bard nodded, showing that he was willing to sit and explain anything for the better of his friend.

“I understand, but you want to be. Show her what you would bring to the table. She knows the path is hard and dangerous. You would only have each other to rely on out there, and there needs to be trust and understanding in the other’s ability.” They sit in silence for a moment.

“That doesn’t sound romantic.” Even Lambert did a double-take to what had left his own mouth. At this point, there was no need to lie about what the witcher needed to know or was seeking. Jaskier gave a large grin.

“Just the act of giving, the thought that you cared enough to do something for her, should be enough. Like if you were cold, and Y/n went out of her way or sacrificed something so you could be warm. She is showing her value as well as showing she cares for your wellbeing.” Jaskier didn’t understand why or where the bashful look on Lambert’s face came from, but he could tell the witcher now understood. He gave one last smile and nod before standing. “Come back to me when you need help asking her to travel the path with you.” Before Lambert could stutter out a response, the bard all but skipped to the kitchens.

There Lambert sat, no other witcher or companion bugging him or his thoughts. Mentally, he was trying to compile a list of things to prove value. Then there was the subsection of ‘possibly romantic’ things of value. Another list was a recollection of needs she has voiced in the past. The witcher also wasn’t done compiling this new deck….

Y/n had gently walked in, trying to avoid any natural light that passed through the windows. Fatigue still lingered in her form, but Lambert was too focused on her to actually notice her presence.

“Still in only your pants?” Her voice was gentle, but the witcher flinched regardless. As his eyes met hers, everything sly or charming slipped his mind. All topics talked about with Jaskier had also departed, leaving his mouth flapping like a fish. His eyes went to look anywhere else before landing on the cards everywhere.

“I have a new deck!” He forced it out like a child showing his mother a cool worm they found. A smile spread as she sat where the bard previously was.

“Perfect. I need some practice in on my competition deck. The Passiflora is having one a few weeks into spring.” All of the time Lambert spent trying to calculate every move she made in response to his deck flew out the window. It seems like his strategy to try and predict her movements was a bust. His witcher senses started tingling when he felt air shifting around the corner at the edge of the hall. Jaskier stood, half hidden, brows raised. His eyes were wide, and arms gesturing frantically to Y/n. Lambert couldn’t make out too much of what the poet was mouthing, but he picked up ‘practice’ and ‘go for it’. Practice… Y/n needs to practice… Y/n needsto practice. She has a need, and she’s practically enlisted his help. Lambert could do that. He won’t win, but he would be a great dummy opponent. Lambert took another moment to gather himself before responded mechanically and hesitantly.

“If you need practice… I would..love..to…help you improve your game.” His eyes quickly darted to the bard for the moment, trying to ignore both their rapidly beating hearts. This time, the bard is mouthing ‘compliment’ with a thumbs up, and a wave of the other hand to continue. “Not that you needpractice, cause you’re, uh, good at the game.” His voice trailed off at the end, his mental scolding and cringing starting before the sentence finished leaving his mouth. Lambert’s head was ducked slightly, and his eyes darted to hers through thick lashes. Y/n’s skin flushed, hands fiddling with her own deck sitting on the table. A smell of warmth and joy wafted from her in waves, and Lambert tried desperately to keep his smile inwards.

“Perfect. I was going to help Vesemir in the greenhouse, but would you be free to play this afternoon?”

“Of course.” He, in fact, wasn’t. The young witcher promised to help with repairs, as he took yesterday afternoon off as well. Lambert was mentally preparing himself to ask his brothers to cover for him, though he knows there will be some form of hell to pay. In the grand scheme of things though, he would spend more time with his favorite human, and that’s all that matters.

I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow morning

I’ll have the rest of the week off of work, so ill have time to write!!! Send in some fluffy requests so I can fill my pain ridden time with stuff to take my mind off of it. I’m currently getting to my last couple of requests that are in my asks rn, and they should be up tomorrow :)

Please send in stuff for me to write
