

Spoiler Free Review of

With the Fireon High by Elizabeth Acevedo

I’m a cook by trade, so I immediately connected with our main character Emoni in that aspect of her life. Cooking can feed your soul as well as your belly. I loved the recipes the author added within the story and have plans to try of few myself. Not everyone can understand how much food can be a part of who were are and who are families are, learning this part of the Peurto Rician culture was a great addition to the story. I thought the point that no matter how good you are at something, there’s always something to learn was incredibly valid these days and more people need to remember it going forward.

Emoni is also a mom, an incredibly young teenage mom, in the book you learn she had the baby when she was only 14. Here in the story she’s 17 and her baby girl Emma is 3, I appreciate the author for telling the other side of the pregnancy a little bit. So often in YA these days it’s the “Oops” moment. Where the 16 year old girl discovered she’s pregnant and the resulting chaos. Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world when you’re an adult, never mind when you’re just a kid yourself. I hope someone out there takes a lesson from a few of the realities Elizabeth brings out during the story.

Favourite Quotes

“The world is a turntable that never stops spinning; as humans we merely choose the tracks we want to sit out and the ones that inspire us to dance.”

“Doesnt she know I still need her? That I still wish someone would look at the pieces of my life and tell me how to make sure they all fit back together?”

There’s was another one, but my little sticky came loose and I lost it. It had to do with the first time she had sex, and with it being more about being chosen then it was about wanting. Damn. I wish I could find it. I flipped through the whole book again and had no luck. Hopefully you’ll read this book, find the quote and know which one I meant.

I really enjoyed this book. It was fast paced, full of teenage angst with all kinds of passion thrown in. Passion for family, culture and of course food.

I give this book 4 stars ⭐️
