

Wolfbane (Wolf’s Bane)

Also known as : Aconite, Monkshood, Blue Rocket, Friar’s Cap, Auld Wife’s Huid, Hel-met-flower, Leopard’s Bane, Soldier’s Cap.

Scientific Name : Aconitum Napellus (Common), Aconitum Lycotonum (True Wolfbane), Aconitum Ferox (Poison Darts)

Identification : The common variety has pretty blue flowers with an easy to recognise shape. Other varieties are while or mauve. Growing to around 3 feet (1m) with dark greed glossy leaves.

Properties : Anodyne, cardio-active (Slows heart rate), anti-bacterial, diuretic, diaphoretic, antiviral and antifungal.

Uses: Lowers Blood pressure (Especially useful for breaking fevers), Pain relief from arthritis, gout and rheumatism….or killing wolves.

Try It : 1.3 part of tincture to 100 parts of Witch Hazel to make a liniment for topical application to the skin for reducing the pain from rheumatism.

Warnings: Classed a deadly poison it can be lethal if incorrectly administered. Internal use is banned in many countries. Contains Aconitine a foul tasting alkaloid which his highly toxic.

Parts used: Dried Roots (Collected in late Autumn when the stem dies back. Other parts of the plant may be used but have reduced properties.

Magic: Knowledge, Binding and it was one of the ingredients used to make flying ointment for brooms. In the middle ages it was used by those who had mastered invisibility.

Planet : Saturn

Element : Earth

Deities : Hecate, Carridwen

Folklore and History: Widley used across Europe, China and the Americas. The title “Wolf bane” comes from its use to poison arrows by wolf hunters. In the east indies the “Ferox” verity has been used in poison darts for killing Tigers and to poison wells. It could also however be used to counter other poisons making it a reliable cure for venomous bites. From the middle ages it was simply used as a pretty boarder plant, the pretty flowers with the unusual shape leading to the title Monks-hood. The Anglo-Saxon’s simply called it “Thung” their word for a very poisonous plant. Even the pollen is an irritant. Mung Bean Skin (Lu Dou Yi) is an effective cure for the poison. Folklore sees this herb used on weapons to fight Werewolves.

Plant Tips : Preferring soil that remains slightly damp so digging in rotten leaves or manure prior to the growing season will help. It can be raised from seed in early March using a cold frame.

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