#wolfwalkers au


Remember this part of the movie? Having the OST of Ori and the Blind Forest in the background while working on this is magical. I should be able to do up the frames for Friday night~~~


Stirred Up Feelings

“You’re not at all like the people at home say.”
“Oh? What do they say?”
“That you’re evil. And that you only wish to do us all harm.”
“I see…So what am I really like, then?”
“Well… You’re good, for one thing. And kind. And… And charming.”

Uh-oh! Somebody’s in looove~!!

Screenshot redraws of probably my favourite sequence in the entire movie. (Avoid reading further if you don’t wanna be majorly spoiled and haven’t watched it yet) Hunter would make a perfect Wolfwalker: he’s a gentle compassionate boy with a great capacity to be connected to the world, and having the resulting healing magic abilities would fit him well. Not to mention he’d be the most handsome wolf. Rationalizing how he’d have the Golden Guard outfit in this AU…he would make the outfit from idk, an old tablecloth and other scrap that he’d polish up..and he’d only wear it while daydreaming and pretending to work for the Lord Protector, whenever not tied up with chores. Because he wants to be valiant like his older brother Caleb.

The general AU idea is from @mentalmeles who has made some great Wittecouple art related to it:link.



“Come on out, human. I know you’re there.”

This was supposed to be a small, simple sketch……….
