#wombo ai


[[ Final Wombo creation for now. I feel a bit bad doing this to Artemis, but the eyebrow thing is too hilarious not to share.

The art used for this animation is by Todd Lockwood, for the cover of the novel, Road of the Patriarch, published by Wizards of the Coast. ]]

[[ I made an even more cursed thing. XDDDD 

I didn’t think that anything could be more cringey than Gunther’s live performance of his Ding Dong Song. Jarlaxle singing along to it is definitely a top contender. >_>

On a more serious note, I went through at least two dozen tries getting this to work, with most of them sunk in failed attempts in which the app rendered him with his neck singing. This is the best result, but still far from perfect, but at least it’s his mouth opening most of the time.

The art used for this animation is from the official D&D 5e module, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, published by Wizards of the Coast. ]]

[[ I made a cursed thing. XD 

Wombo is lip sync app that, like Deep Nostalgia, can work with most photos. Its algorithm looks to be dependent on the way the image is cropped. Front-facing portraits cut off at the neck and shoulders are the best candidates for the app, but it will work on partial side views, video game screenshots, artwork, etc. Some images will yield cleaner results than others. 

There’s a set list of songs you can get the image to lip sync to. Rick Astley’s voice is totally wrong for Jarlaxle but I thought it would be hilarious. XD

The art used for this animation is from the official D&D 5e module, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, published by Wizards of the Coast. Tyler Jacobson is the artist for the adventure’s cover art, from where this image originates. ]]

Because sometimes DCA 1.0 bad food disasters make fun AI generated prompts…


Baroque seems to think the burgers are carried by the invading force…


Meanwhile Dark Fantasy imagines Burger aliens AS the invading force! (Which I think is DCA canon…)


Etching ALMOST envisions burgers growing out of a mountainside.


Hmmm… Fantasy envisions some kind of human-hamburger hybrid Tomorrowland society.


Christmas in McDonaldland!


Aww someone dropped their burgers on a cobblestone street.


Mystic envisions a cult worshipping a burger idol.  Honestly this might be my favorite result of this prompt; so many story possibilities!




Burgers emerge from the primordial sludge.


This is what happens when you want to make a Lovecraft adaptation but the only sponsor you can get is McDonald’s.  I imagine this happens just after the events of the “mystic” painting… the Entity has arrived in its true form…


A view into a universe where Journey Into Imagination was restored, but only if McDonald’s sponsored the ride.  The resulting compromise, with Dreamfinder now riding a Big Mac themed vehicle, became controversial among alternate-universe fans.


If the DCA façade was recreated in the Tron world.


A cursed dimension where the Burger Invasion happened to music instead of the British Invasion.


McDonald’s franchises were initially met with hesitance by the residents of Pepperland.  They too, however, joined in celebrating the victory over the Blue Meanies…

Summary: Very little of this is specific to the infamous DCA restaurant that inspired it, but this does make for some amusing imagery.  I especially like the implied burger cult/eldrich burger god storyline inadvertently created by some of these images.  Overall, super fun prompt!

So, last time on the AI generated Disney rides series, we saw a problem when the art generator recognizes the prompt TOO well!  All renditions of Indian Jones Adventure were accurate, but nigh-identical.  Spaceship Earth, on the other hand, generated results that were the opposite in the BEST way possible.

The following were all generated with the prompt “Spaceship Earth” in the Wombo Dream art generator.  I’ve included the name of the filter at the top of the image.

Does this sphere look like the Spaceship Earth we know?  No.  But the sphere and purple pyramids *feel* like Epcot in a weird way, and they look beautiful.

Oooh, emphasis on the “Earth” part this time!  Those webbings might be an attempt at the geodesic pattern?

If this isn’t vintage Epcot art, I don’t know what is.  Not Spaceship Earth as we know it, but definitely old Epcot as we FEEL it.

Once again, does it look right? No.  But does it FEEL right?  Yes.

This is the closest I felt it got to a literal image of the attraction as we know it.  That’s definitely an attempt at the geodesic pattern at the top, and I think the rest is the communications mural from the entrance.

Spaceship Earth is so awesome it got the pastel filter to make something that was neither a cliff nor an undulating mass of flesh!

I feel like we got a bit more of those communications astronauts again?  Maybe a bit of the computer scene?  Either way, perfect vibes.

This makes it look like the geodesic dome is a literal ship that has just appeared over an alien planet’s atmosphere.  Pretty, spooky, and food for thought.

Love that this looks like an abstract mansion cousin to the House of the Future.

Absolutely gorgeous.  I think I get juuuust a hint of the sphere and one of the pylons holding it up at the top, but overall I love this landscape more.

YES!  For once, I feel like the Steampunk filter knocked it out of the park!  This feels like a Jules Verne-ified vision of Epcot park as a whole, with all the pavilions rendered within a giant sphere/dome on a pylon.

Summary:  None of these feel like Spaceship Earth… but they are undoubtedly some of the most BEAUTIFUL images I’ve seen the AI render.  There’s something about the bizarre beauty of them that definitely reminds me of Old Epcot, or, perhaps, specifically the MEMORY of old Epcot.  Fuzzy, fading, but indescribably beautiful.  An excellent prompt!

I liked these so much, here’s some bonus images I generated:

The Wombo Art Generator added two more filters, so you know what that means: Two more Towers of Terror, and two more Mission Breakouts!  What could possibly be the results?

Hmm, I’m not really feeling the “etching” filter for either prompt. I do find it interesting that it chose to make Breakout sepia and Tower black and white.  Also, I find it interesting the AI generator seems to consider palm tree landscaping vital to all depictions of Tower of Terror.

I ran Tower of Terror through the Baroque filter twice since the first result seemed unsatisfying, only for it to generate two extremely similar images.  Hmm, I do see Tower in these (and those palm trees again!) but they’re not the best the generator has done.  Interesting that Baroque Tower 1 has the elevator car growing out the top (seemingly a view out the front of the elevator from a passenger in the back row) while Baroque Tower 2 has Florida’s ending scene and Tokyo’s Shiriki Utundu growing out of it.

Neither result gave me high hopes for the Baroque filter in the future, but then…

Apparently it found the alternate universe where Mission Breakout is awesome.

I feel like this painting captured what Breakout’s designers wishedit could look like, but couldn’t achieve in real life… I actually really like this painting.  Didn’t see that coming.

