#women and medicine

Based on a hysterical true story————————-–>Based on a hysterical true story————————-–>

Based on a hysterical true story


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I just found out, for the first time, all the long term risks of a hysterectomy and I’m fucking anxious and can’t sleep.

I had a partial laparoscopic hysterectomy because of endometriosis. They took my cervix too without telling or asking in advance.

I wasn’t told the risks, before or after, the surgery. I had to find out through fucking Tumblr. That’s NOT informed consent - I wasn’t informed!!

And I don’t know how to mitigate the risks. I still have my ovaries, but that won’t prevent a possible fucking prolapse. That won’t stop my organs from moving down, or my pelvis from widening due to torn ligaments.

I just.. I’m so angry and scared. I’m 24. I have many years ahead of me, most likely. And I have no idea what that will look like, 5, 10, or 20 years down the road. I’m fine, right now, but who knows how long that’ll last?

I’m so upset. Modern medicine failed me yet again. Why isn’t anyone told these things??

I should have been told. Other women should have been told. But no, they don’t give a fuck about us and it really shows, too often.

I’d really appreciate some advice from women who have had the same thing done to them, and are older. Or just some kind words. I’m so anxious right now. My future was uncertain enough without all this extra bullshit.
