#women are amazing





I have to do everything myself I guess

I still have to sand and finish it but I’m pretty happy with how it came out


I don’t use tampons but a dispenser for those could be like the ones for straws


why the fuck aren’t there decorative dispensers for maxi pads.

they could look like those fancy tissue box covers but function like a tea bag dispenser


I added a finish! I didn’t stain it or paint it because I like how it matches my room.

Also some of yall are telling me to patent this, but why would I do that when I can just as easily post a diagram for free on the internet so anyone could make one if they wanted to :)

*gets my period* :(

*remembers I get to use my box the next few days* :)

I love women so much. Look at us, all smart and generous and shit. I’m so excited to make this and be cool like her.


it’s women’s day which means we are supposed to kiss each other 

Morgan is amazing like she has been sick and laying down all day but I come home and ? She has made a crockpot meal? While feeling like shit? How? How do you have the willpower for that?

When I’m sick I literally fall apart
