
Who are some women you want to see featured in the new post series, “Women Crushing It Wednesday?” I

Who are some women you want to see featured in the new post series, “Women Crushing It Wednesday?” I already have a few ladies in mind…hint: they’re all in this photo. BUT please share your suggestions so that I can reach out them!

#thekeenkind #blogger #lifestyle #artist #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #blackblogger #blackbloggers #blogpost #denverblogger #coloradoblogger #wcw #womencrushingitwednesday #womencrushingit #entrepreneurialwomen #womenentrepreneurs #bloggersofinstagram #lifestyleblogger #bloggerslife #bloggers #bloggerlife #bloglovin #writing #writer #photo #acolorstory #thatsdarling #ohsokeen
@unumdesign #unumfam (at desk chair)

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I’m so pleased with the your responses to the #wcw idea! Thanks for all the positive feedback! I wil

I’m so pleased with the your responses to the #wcw idea! Thanks for all the positive feedback! I will be starting the blog post series “Women Crushing It Wednesday,” this week. Each Wednesday I’ll feature one new badass babe on the blog. Stay tuned, I cannot wait to share!
Any amazing women you think I should have on my radar?

#thekeenkind #blogger #lifestyle #artist #womencrushingitwednesday #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #blackblogger #blackbloggers #blogpost #denverblogger #coloradoblogger #bloggersofinstagram #lifestyleblogger #bloggerslife #bloggers #bloggerlife #bloglovin #writing #writer #photo #acolorstory #thatsdarling #ohsokeen
@unumdesign #unumfam (at Denver, Colorado)

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