#womens cancer



Trust that your health care provider knows everything there is to know about cancer, but in case they don’t, there’s an app for that. In June 2011, doctors at the Oncofertility Consortium of Northwestern University launched an iPhone app called iSaveFertility, which provides oncologists with a quick reference guide for preserving the fertility of those diagnosed with cancer. The app was created to help physicians become more aware of the risks of cancer treatment and options available to preserve a patient’s fertility as they undergo treatment. Unfortunately, many physicians do not include fertility in their discussion with newly diagnosed cancer patients, yet information on how and why cancer treatment impacts fertility is increasingly important as we learn more  about managing chronic disease. 

I download iSaveFertility (it’s free!) and have nothing but good things to say about the app. It is incredibly easy to use, with customizable information depending on the needs of the individual.

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