#wood remains

Wood Remains————————————————‘A living corpse of wood re-animated by the power of darkness.&rsq

Wood Remains
‘A living corpse of wood re-animated by the power of darkness.’
Can Be Found In:Vol.2

Due the TCG starting a few years behind the OCG, it wook a while for the former to catch up with releases. The first expansions were combinations of those in the OCG, while special products would offer promotions to cover as many cards as possible. While nowadays the TCG is just a pair of months behind OCG releases mainly for translations, as well the TCG providing their own exclusive cards to come out in the OCG later on, there’s still a few OCG cards waiting from years to decades for a proper release in the TCG.

“Wood Remains” is one of the very few Normal Monsters released during the debutting years of the franchise that still remains exclusive for the OCG. Due the current abuse of Effect Monsters and the severe power creep the game suffers with certain releases, is obvious why monsters like “Wood Remains” didn’t obtain any chances yet to be out in the TCG. However, despite its low stats “Wood Remains” is yet another example of Normal Monsters having incredible value under various circumstances thanks to the diverse options surrounding its kind.

Normal Monsters are able to cover several aspects of a Duel despite their lack of abilities, and those with low stats like “Wood Remains” gains strong coverage from early to late game. Various staple options won’t take any effort to summon “Wood Remains” from inside our Deck, with “Unexpected Dai” doing so on an empty field or “Rescue Rabbit” bringing two copies together. If we have some investment arround several Spells or Traps, “Treasure Panda” becomes a solid choice in mid to late game as banishes said cards to summon “Wood Remains” and other Normal Monsters. However, as a Zombie “Wood Remains” stands out the most while resting in the Graveyard, not only by Normal Monster options like “Swing of Memories” and “Silent Doom” constantly summoning it but also by staple cards from the Type like “Book of Life” and “Mezuki”. In addition of other revival effects like “World Legacy Succession” and “Limit Reverse”, as well monsters like “Crane Crane” bringing it back from the Graveyard when summoned, “Wood Remains” overall gains decent support in early game to become easy to exploit while in later turns.

Due its low stats and no other options of its own, “Wood Remains” is in the same position as many other old Normal Monsters. Thanks to the strong support covering its summon from early to late game, “Wood Remains” turns into an easily accesible material for any summons we can aim for. A recurring monster that can aim for Tribute and Link Summons with some basic setups, Xyz Summons as works along cards like the mentioned “Crane Crane”, to working with the rest of Zombie options as some of their main goals involves Tuners and Synchro Summons, “Wood Remains” won’t take any breaks to keep providing its pressence turn after turn. Since Zombies have a heavy focus arround the Graveyard we can work along milling effects to dispose of “Wood Remains” and start the constant revivals, specially by “Advanced Ritual Art” as does so while performing a Ritual Summon. But despite its sole focus as material, cards like “Moon Mirror Shield” and “Curse of Anubis” gives “Wood Remains” a solid opportunity to stand against powerful creatures on its own.

While staying in the OCG or being out in the TCG won’t change the game drastically, “Wood Remains” has the same efficiency as the rest of Normal Monsters in both versions of the game. While not the best option to enter the Battle Phase with, “Wood Remains” has incredible assistance of several summoning options coming from both Normal Monsters and Zombies. Clearly overshadowed by better options specially those from its Type  "Wood Remains" might only work as material as long we provide support to do so, yet can become an always accesible monster thanks to the incredible pool of revival cards under its disposition.

Personal Rating: C+

+Very strong support specially if is in the Graveyard
+ Becomes a recurring material for all kinds of setups

- Poor stats
-Overshadowed by other Zombie options
- Relies on other cards and effects

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