#wooden chair

This has been chilling in my folder for 3 months. I finally had the patience to redraw her face threThis has been chilling in my folder for 3 months. I finally had the patience to redraw her face threThis has been chilling in my folder for 3 months. I finally had the patience to redraw her face threThis has been chilling in my folder for 3 months. I finally had the patience to redraw her face thre

This has been chilling in my folder for 3 months. I finally had the patience to redraw her face three times, fix her teeni tiny hand and make her breasts not gigantic practice embroidery everywhere which was the original purpose of this drawing.

Included the original look of the character, as well as some step-work on character/ background. Because I am happy it is done.

Calanthe / The Witcher Saga © Andrzej Sapkowski

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Oh, she’s done.

Oh, she’s done.

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Please, have a seat. No, not that one, that’s for guests. Try that one, the wooden one in the corner. I need you to remain attentive, after all.

Hello, and welcome. Have a glass of water or something, I don’t mind, it’s not my mouth. Don’t look at me like that, it’s creepy. Back straight, chin up. 

Ok, that’s enough of that.

I’m not really sure what I’m going to be doing here. In my mind I’ve got some idyl where I occasionally post my own personal musings about D/s and things I find erotic, peppered with pictures I find particularly eye-catching, perhaps the odd touch of fiction, and anything musically I find unique in some way. 

That’s the aspiration, at least. The reality might be far more stark and intermittent, but hopefully I’ll be engaged enough that there’s a vested interest in continuing. A rapport with those who I share, and those who share me. Oh dear, I’m heading into aspiration territory again. Forgive me. 

So there, is a somewhat meandering statement of intent. It can stand here for the moment, until I’ve got something more interesting and attractive to look at, and some more people to look at those interesting and attractive things.

And for god’s sake, introduce yourself. What kind of visitor comes in, sits in the wrong chair, then sits there gormlessly while I lay out my intentions? Stop being so rude.

P.S: If you’d rather, there’s always that big inviting ask button at the top. Go on, give it a cheeky little click. It’s rather tempting.
