

[image description: frida, hilda, and alfur are riding on the water spirit’s back. alfur is safely tucked behind hilda’s ear and hilda is excitedly holding woodman’s head up towards the sky.]

[image description: david sits on top of the water spirit with an uncomfortable facial expression, his hair wet. woodman’s head is in his lap.]

[image description: david and frida are standing on the beach. woodman’s head is sitting in the sand next to david.]

[image description: david holding woodman’s head like a basketball while he stands on the beach.]

[image description: david smiles awkwardly as he attempts to start a conversation with woodman.]

In season 1 episode 11, we can see woodman’s eyes close reflexively when he falls off a pile of junk from the house in the woods. This confirms that his eyes do in fact close naturally, and that he keeps them open all the time on purpose.

[image description: hilda, frida, and twig run into hilda’s apartment building while david holds woodman’s head with a surprised expression on his face.]

[image description: hilda making eye contact with woodman’s head.]

[image description: hilda’s hands holding woodman’s head.]


[image description: frida, david, hilda, and twig run down to the shore, where woodman’s head is floating in the water.]

[image description: woodman is standing with his hands on his hips. he looks at the draugen, then looks towards the camera.]

[image description: woodman adding to a pile of firewood by the window. he is holding a book about giants.]

[image description: woodman struggles to turn a doorknob.]

[image description: hilda stares angrily at woodman. he is gambling.]

[image description: woodman pushing up a window to open it. there’s a record player next to him, and there are large tree trunks visible outside.]

[image description: woodman beside the dumpster, mid-landing. his possessions are right next to him.]

[image description: woodman gets soaked in the rain. he is on his boat and wearing a captain’s hat.]

[image description: woodman is crouched down beside his shelf, choosing a record to play)

[image description: a view over woodman’s shoulder. he is holding a tiny set of playing cards.]
