#words under 10k



Not Jealous (Okay, Maybe a Little… Maybe a Lot)


fluff, set sometime in s13, tfw gets a visit from the djinn queen

(okay so in 13x16, Cas says he killed most of the djinn guarding the Tree of Life, but this fic ignores that bc I like to think that Cas is an excellent negotiator and actually became friends with the djinn and their queen :))

also posted on ao3

created for CastielWasTheFirstTemptation for the Profound Bond Discord Exchange

Dean was having a crappy Tuesday. And he’d had plenty of experience with bad Tuesdays. 

He was sitting in the library trying to parse through a stack of books, organizing them according to random categories he was half-sure Sam had made up to specifically torture him. 

They’d been busy with hunts all month and on their one day off, Sam had decided it was “organize the bunker” day. He was downstairs in one of the storage rooms happily cataloguing away. Dean was stuck up here, doing the same thing, less happily. 

He was tossing a book onto the Sewer Dwelling Monsters pile when the bunker door screeched open. 

“Hey,” he called, grabbing another book and leafing through it. “You better have remembered to pick up beer and pie because I’m going crazy here.”

“Dean, we have a visitor.”

And that’s when Dean’s Tuesday got worse. 

Keep reading


Cas has been human for a few months, but he definitely needs to lighten up! Dean decides to pull a harmless prank and steal Cas’ clothes while he’s in the shower, which backfires spectacularly when Cas shows up wearing his own leather jacket and a towel.

Oh, no. He’s hot!


Read on AO3.

@nickelkeep @banshee1013 @malmuses @cr-noble-writes @cutelittlekittykorner @emblue-sparks @starrynightdeancas @roobear68 @queenmaire19 @winchester-reload @petrichoravellichor @envydean @currentlyfangirling99 @fangirlingtodeath513 @just-another-busy-fangirl

saltnhalo:To Hold In Your Hands (T, 6k)Castiel has never wanted an angel.He does just fine on his ow


To Hold In Your Hands (T, 6k)

Castiel has never wanted an angel.

He does just fine on his own, has for a long time—since he was old enough to hold a shotgun and make a salt circle. He’s proud of what he’s been able to achieve without angelic help, and the longer he can keep hunting solo, the better.

But judging by the summons he’s just received to the Men of Letters’ bunker, his time is up.

He can’t avoid his future angel partner any longer.

(aka. five times that Dean saves Castiel’s life, and five times that Castiel slowly learns angels aren’t as bad as he’d thought)

reverse!verse, angel dean, hunter cas, enemies to friends to lovers, hurt/comfort

written for tiamatv for the @profoundnet gift exchange

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