#member imbiowaresbitch



Cas has been human for a few months, but he definitely needs to lighten up! Dean decides to pull a harmless prank and steal Cas’ clothes while he’s in the shower, which backfires spectacularly when Cas shows up wearing his own leather jacket and a towel.

Oh, no. He’s hot!


Read on AO3.

@nickelkeep @banshee1013 @malmuses @cr-noble-writes @cutelittlekittykorner @emblue-sparks @starrynightdeancas @roobear68 @queenmaire19 @winchester-reload @petrichoravellichor @envydean @currentlyfangirling99 @fangirlingtodeath513 @just-another-busy-fangirl


Chapter 2 of Nice Buns is up, and it’s now complete!

Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to his designation. Dean helps him blow off some steam, with the help of a new job and a lost poker bet.



imbiowaresbitch:Nice Buns Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to


Nice Buns

Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to his designation. Dean helps him blow off some steam, with the help of a new job and a lost poker bet. 

Read on AO3

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