#working for the knife


Working for the knife but by knife i mean a scalpel

mitski’s working for the knife music video (2021, zia anger) // twin peaks (1990-1991, david lynch & mark frost) // possession (1981, andrzej żuławski) // black swan (2010, daren aronofsky) // suspiria (2018, luca guadagnino) // climax (2018, gaspar noé) // perfect blue (1997, satoshi kon)

Working for the Knife

The mortifying ordeal of being forgotten.

Danny Castillones Sillada,Those Sweet and Painful Memories // Artwork by @/zhihuie on twitter // V.E. Schwab,The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue//Halsey,Angel on Fire//Steve Salo,Forgotten Art//Halsey,Angel on Fire//Sarah Thebarge,The Invisible Girls//Mitski,Working for the Knife // Artwork by @/bekysfairy on ig // Octavio Paz, tr. by Eliot Weinberger, from The Poems of Octavio Paz; “The Prisoner”


A Spotify playlist with Mitski’s complete discography, including her brand new comeback album after three years and a half: Laurel Hell

LUSHretired from sad, new career in businessbury me at makeout creekPuberty 2•Be the Cowboy•Laurel Hell
