#workplace drama


Win the Future 输赢 is hands down one of best workplace dramas I’ve ever watched

I’m halfway through and have been thoroughly impressed by the quality of the script, zero cliches/wasted lines, no bullshit main characters who are equals in every sense of the word, realistic business related scenes with believable side characters and an entire cast that can actually act! Also this script is phenomenal - the writers incorporated war strategy and use appropriate quotes from the Art of War to highlight key negotiation/strategy setting scenes. Some of the older more experienced actors are absolutely stellar, I had to rewatch their line deliveries for a couple of scenes because they were just so genius.

I must say that I love the main leads’ energy as business rivals and it makes their romance all the more tense and interesting they’re both cutthroat, decisive and action orientated… but have unique, flawed personalities. The actors portrayed that with class! If anyone here is already a Xin Zhilei or Chen Kun fan then be prepared to fall in love again!



Help! May I Disgust People For My Own Personal Convenience?

Miss Manners, Washington Post,9 October 2021:

Dear Miss Manners: Is it rude to clip your nails at your work desk? I work in a cubicle and usually notice that my nails are getting longer while typing on a keyboard. I find it handy to just take care of them then and there.

Dear Clippy,

As long as you find it handy (I see what you did there!) to attend to your personal hygiene amid coworkers who are by definition forced to choose between their livelihoods and witnessing you divest yourself of what are genuinely some of the filthiest parts of any human body, I can see no problem here! If your coworkers don’t want to listen to the clickity-snip of your germ talons as the debris flies around the office, they can simply quit their jobs and hope their families don’t starve. Your personal convenience takes precedence over other people’s desire not to be subjected to your manicurial effluvia while just trying to make it to happy hour without losing their goddamned minds! Trim with shear abandon!
