#world vision

 Eat Nothing. Do Something!! photo taken during our Orientation for FAMINE 2011 under WORLD VISION =

Eat Nothing. Do Something!!

photo taken during our Orientation for FAMINE 2011 under WORLD VISION =))

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I have been working with World Vision for years now sponsoring a child as well as helping out in anyI have been working with World Vision for years now sponsoring a child as well as helping out in anyI have been working with World Vision for years now sponsoring a child as well as helping out in any

I have been working with World Vision for years now sponsoring a child as well as helping out in any other way I can. This organization is great and I know people who have traveled with them and built wells in villages and helped create farms and there are so many ways you can help other at home with sponsoring 5k runs or charity events to help fund some great causes.

I was going to sponsor this child because his birthday just passed and he has been waiting for over a year which is very long!

That being said, I thought I might give the opportunity to one of you to Sponsor him! Its a good feeling getting those letters from them knowing you’re little $40 donation goes a long way for another human being. BTW they are very Christian and I am not… well Maybe I am I don’t know thats another story lol but they are okay with that. They just want to help. You don’t need to be Christian to work with them. I found out they were Christian a year after working with them. They are all about humanitarian work. Very loving and caring and great people.

Only one person can sponsor him so the person who ends up sponsoring him, let me know and I will cover the first month myself. I want to become a child ambassador and I want to help these children find some support from those who are much more fortunate. Luckily I live in the USA where even the worst of us pretty much have it better then these kids. This is a month to month expenditure and at any time you can cancel they are very willing to work with you!

You also can randomly give soccer balls for $20 or chickens for $30 or lots of other one-time cost things!

If you have any questions you can ask me, I work with them and have known them for years and lover World Vision.

Sponsor Abrham

Give a one time gift that's NOT recurring charges but still helps a ton!

If you don’t sponsor please share this with others and get him sponsored TODAY! 


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