




Hello, there!

In the vein of a similar, sister event, it was noticed there was a lack of RexObi fics! We found this to be highly tragic. Very, very tragic. But we also understand that not everyone wants to commit to a prompt week or a Bang (shh). So we decided that RexObi should get it’s own Bingo!

For those who aren’t familiar, a bingo is a type of fandom challenge during which participants are given a 5x5 (or a 3x3, 4x4, etc) card where all but one square are filled with creative prompts and the last, middle square acts as a free space. A bingo encourages people to create new fanworks for a certain fandom, theme, or ship.

As we’re an open-ended event, we have 3 themes at any given time and we’re going to update the themes every 3 months.

Round One’s themes are:

  • Summer
  • Fandom Favorites
  • Love Languages

For more information, you can check out our FAQs and our Event Rules!

You can request a Bingo Card here!

(tagging @swfandomevents so more people can learn about us)

Reblogging again so I can tag some people I know are into ObiRex:

@norcumii@dogmatix@deadcatwithaflamethrower@lacefedora@leechbrain I probably missed a bunch of people, but I would ADORE seeing more ObiRex content.
