#worm thoughts


And You know what? You know what, fuck it, the more I think about it, and the more I reread the relevant passages, the more I like Brian and Taylor as a couple. It’s cute. It’s dysfunctional. It’s doomed. It’s buoyed on a wave of mindless teenaged horomones that segues into patently unstable trauma-bonding that folds in a month. Moreover Taylor’s physical and emotional attraction to Grue read as extremely believable and authentic to me, and while there is absolutely no way she’s straight there’s also no way that she isn’t attracted to men, either. Show of hands if you like the main canonical romantic pairing of Worm on it’s face and wished people would engage with it more in fan works instead of treating it as a speedbump on the way to pairing her with, geez, literally every other single person in the principle cast, the whole ancillary cast, about a third of the background characters and, god help us, Greg.

It’s kind of a pity that the narrative never returned to Miss Militia’s perspective after her interlude, because she’s in a very interesting position. She parses her power through a lens of religiosity. She thinks her power is very literally a gift from God, or an angel, and part of her decision to do so is her terror at the idea that it was something evil or indifferent instead.

 Which is, in fact, what it was, but even beyond that everyone in arc 29 has it beamed into their heads that the appeal to religiosity was explicitly part of the con! The Entity’s avatar was designed as a nondenominational messianic archetype so that everyone would embrace him equally!

I dunno, it just seems like that would fuck her up interestingly. 
