#woso soccer


“she is the most beautiful person”

idea from here(76)

prompt: you are alexia putellas’ cousin and jana fernández notices you in the crowd after a game 

word count: 975

a/n: i keep saying i can’t upload til my class is finished but i keep writing during my breaks so oops


“Alba!” you yell once you spot your older cousin sitting in the stands. 

“Mi prima pequeña” Alba jumps up from her seat pulling you into a forcefully tight hug, “you are never allowed to leave the country again” she informs you, still holding onto you. 

“I don’t think I want to, I can’t handle the cold” you shiver remembering the freezing nights you spent tossing and turning in an attempt to warm yourself to no avail while in Sweden.

“Did you at least find a hot Swedish girlfriend?” Alba asks, laughing as you look at her with a look of disapproval. 

“What? only hook ups? That’s my girl!” Alba speaks proudly. 

“I didn’t hook up with anyone and I definitely didn’t get a Swedish girlfriend” you sigh in annoyance at your older cousin’s antics. 

“Come on (Y/N) the Swedes are an attractive bunch, as if you didn’t even kiss at least one?” 

“If you think the Swedes are so hot you move there and get a girlfriend” you huff, although you can’t help but laugh at the end of your sentence, knowing that Alba exclusively dates Alexia’s teammates so her dating anyone else would be highly unlikely. 

“No need to move to Sweden. I’m working on that one” Alba points you in the direction of Fridolina. 

“Really?” you question with a laugh, not really surprised that she is working on dating another of Alexia’s teammates.  

“She isn’t gay from what I know” 

“When did that ever stop you before?” you laugh, Alba’s stories of helping ‘straight’ girls explore their sexuality being a staple conversation piece at your family events. 

“It hasn’t and it won’t now, don’t be surprised when we start dating” Alba informs you with a cheeky smile. 

“Oh I won’t be” you shake your head, moving your head to focus on the pitch, ready to watch the game that is about to begin. 


As the game comes to an end you cheer excitedly, always happy to watch your cousin play but even more happy when she is able to win. 

Alexia spots Alba in the crowd, having expected her to be there but when she notices you sitting next to her she is absolutely shocked. You weren’t supposed to be home for around another month and to say your oldest cousin had been missing you was an understatement. 

“Mi dulce primo bebé” Alexia hugs you tightly. 

“Holi Lexi” you reply, a sweet giggle escaping your lips as she ruffles your hair due to the nickname that only you are allowed to call her. 

“You are never leaving the country again, you hear me?” she speaks sternly. 

“I already told her that and found out that she didn’t even get a hot Swedish girlfriend or hook up with anyone” Alba informs her older sister, earning her a slap up the side of her head. 

“You are such a bad influence, and no girlfriends for you until you are older” Alexia informs you, the smile on her face indicating that she is partially joking but you know as her baby cousin that she most definitely isn’t. 

“I am older though, I’m not a baby anymore” you whine, this causes Alba to laugh at the fact that you are acting like a baby and Alexia to give what could only be described as the look a mother gives their toddler when they are about to do something wrong. 

“Fine” you sigh, “no girlfriends until I’m older” 


“Who is that with Alexia?” Jana asks Jenni, not be able to take her eyes off you as you continue catching up with your two cousins. 

“That is Alexia’s cousin, (Y/N). She must have just come home, she was studying in Sweden” Jenni answers absentmindedly. “Why?” she snaps out of her daze when she realises that Jana is asking about you. 

She is the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen” Jana answers in some sort of daze herself, obviously experiencing some type of love at first sight type of feelings. 

“Come with me, I want to see her anyway” Jenni pulls Jana along, not allowing time for arguments even though there is none from the young defender. 

“(Y/N)!” Jenni yells as she approaches you, catching your attention quite easily with how loud she yells. 

“Jenni!” you giggle pulling her into a hug when she reaches you. 

“Who is this?” you ask, pointing at Jana, who is standing quietly. 

Jenni nudges Jana harshly which forces a yelp of pain out of her lips.

While that is happening Alexia takes it upon herself to introduce the player to you, “that is my teammate Jana, she isn’t too much older than you” 

“Well nice to meet you Jana” you hold out your hand, waiting for her to shake yours, not wanting to be too forward as to hug her immediately. 

Clearly Jana has other ideas though as she does pull you into a hug, “it’s nice to meet you (Y/N), I hope to see more of you?” she speaks in a questioning tone. 

“Yeah I’m back in Barcelona for good so you’ll probably see me at a few games” you inform her, a redness covering your cheeks at both the hug and her mentioning wanting to see you more. 

“Great I can’t wait” she responds quickly, turning away letting the blush take over her cheeks. 

“So (Y/N), no Swedish girlfriend but you will have a Spanish one in no time” Alba teases, “I always knew you would take after me” she holds her hands over her heart, a look of pride on her face. 

“Please do not follow in Alba’s footsteps” Alexia tells you, her stern looks scaring you slightly. 

“No dating until I’m older” you throw your hands in the air, claiming innocence as the girls around you giggle at how easily you listen to what Alexia tells you to do.

please come back
