


Original AU by @kolbiewa

Killer version by me ^-^

Her AU is so interesting ! I love the story, the desings, the way she plays with the characters memories and emotions ! I just adore !!

~•°Little Story°•~

(killer version)

Jaja founded the doll of Sans abandonned and broken somewhere, she decided to take him with her to repair it. After taking care of the doll she began to dream of a strange skeleton which strangely resembled the doll, this one asked her to help her to take revenge on “The Player” for what he did to him, which she accepted… but moreover she saw him again in her dreams the more they developed feelings for each other

((Джаджа нашла где-то брошенную и сломанную куклу Санса, решила взять его с собой, чтобы починить. После ухода за куклой ей стал сниться странный скелет, который странно напоминал куклу, этот попросил ее помочь ей отомстить “Игроку” за то, что он с ним сделал, на что она согласилась… но более того она снова видела его во сне, чем больше у них возникали чувства друг к другу))


05.05 was the anniversary of this AU - Woundtale!

Thanks to everyone who paid attention to the comic and supports me so far! This summer I want to continue drawing mini-comics and Frans from them. Thank you all very much!

Happy 1st anniversary Woundtale✨
