#wow its been a while since ive done this


Made of Stardust

You are made from stardust.

Is that all they say you are?

Whispering words of wisdom

Washed western by the wind.

Roaming ‘round the land

To remind of what is lost.

A legend, a tale, a fable;

A story long forgotten.

Eighteen lifetimes lived

Only to be taken by the queen.

So soon from me, too soon-

Now the darkness settles every day.

You who held the darkness back:

Fragility lingered in your heart.

The roses broken by your fall,

Yet still you could not stay.

They say legends never die,

But weren’t you the bravest of all?

So now I hold you close to me;

I cannot let you die in vain.

I am made of stardust.

Is that all I now am?

Finishing the job you started,

Just to end your killer’s twisted reign?

We are made of stardust.

That’s what we were meant to be.

And though you were the brightest,

Every star shall fade away.

We are made of stardust.

And that is all they say.

