#wrestle opinions


i have to say clark connors really won the young lion gimmick lottery - coughlin is like a robot or something and master wato is master wato but he’s literally a big game hunter with move names like “trophy kill” and “jeep flip”. plus he has a cute little logo, hand gesture and good entrance music. i’m not saying shibata picks favourites, but…

so far in njpw: yuta has been called a “violent little american boy” by robbie eagles, and despy said he assumed he was a silver spoon kid and that mox pulled some strings for him to be in the tournament lmao


waiting for the inevitable kenta tweet about this

like clockwork

aew i have a suggestion for the all out venue

wardlow’s like this is why i don’t fuck with baby doms

why are you, as a man, using another man’s finisher bc you want him to finish on you?

waiting for the inevitable kenta tweet about this

since the bosj started i’ve been keeping an eye on japanese twitter fan reactions to the new american wrestlers (yuta, alex zayne, ace austin) and it’s funny how you can tell how popular a wrestler is with female fans based on the amount of fanart and fan-taken photos.

anyway, somewhat surprisingly alex zayne and ace austin are clearly ahead of yuta in popularity, partly thanks to zayne tweeting a lot about trying japanese foods, but i think also bc zayne and ace both have flashier looks and movesets than yuta. also idk if yuta being mixed japanese-american but not speaking japanese influences things one way or the other.

i would have liked to see more support for yuta but - even if yuta doesn’t get super over in japan, he’s still super popular in aew which has a big fanbase. for ace - impact’s fanbase is nowhere near as big so i like seeing one of my poor little impact meow meows get a lot of recognition for once

through magic/time travel schenanigans roh era cm punk shows up in the present, does NOT get along with current cm punk and talks mjf into railing him to piss off his older self. is that anything

Nick Fans and Matt Fans are like. we both got one of those secret message cards but wearing differently tinted decoder glasses so we’re looking at the same thing but see something completely different. like this

me when a wrestler i don’t like loses to yano: haha get yano’d idiot

me when a wrestler i DO like loses to yano: haha get yano’d idiot

jay white saying he’s the reason for aew existing is genius because it makes him a heel to people who love aew AND people who hate aew

i love that an essential part of kenta’s character is “gets romantically attracted to inanimate objects” and everyone has just accepted that

keep britt baker away from the womens world title challenge (impossible to tony khan apparently)
