#write it


“No, I am not a mad scientist! But I am a frustrated one!”


“Have you ever heard the expression ‘The best that money can buy?’ Well, have you ever asked yourself 'What’s the best money can’t buy?’ That’s where I operate. Here’s my card.”


Am I wrong, or do we - writers - deserve more credit for not acting on the insane, twisted, and demented thoughts that occur in our minds every day?


Why are some conversations that are held in the shower with yourself so good that you realize that you have to write it down, but as soon as you get out you can’t remember a damn thing?



Bitches are able to read hardcore bdsm porn fanfiction with a straight face but start to grin and squeak like an idiot as soon there is the smallest fluff.

That’s me, I’m bitches.

had a weird dream of the vampire society being in the open with the humans and they somehow get along with immense pages of laws and Yuuki was hidden by the vampire hunters and by the end Kaname finds her and awakens her back to being a vampire and I just???? Needless to say I think my brain just wants me to write

A devoted family man, while searching for a lost child…

One week before retirement, a reformed hitman…

A reformed hitman, under a spell/hypnosis…

An ancient vampire, longing for a simpler life…

A sassy nun/priest suddenly gains the ability to read others thoughts…

A world weary intelligence agent, longing for a simpler life…

After being left at the altar, a reformed hitman…

A 400 year old vampire, after winning the lottery…

In a culture where people’s hair reflects their life, (length, color, hair accessories, etc) it is common for loved ones to make trinkets to be interwoven into the locks. One of the most well known warriors has bells in their hair, the sound the last thing their enemies hear before they die. Rumors are wide spread on who exactly placed the bells and their meaning. 
The warrior hears but ignores them, happy to go home to the small girl exuberantly waiting to try a new hairstyle on them. It had become a habit between them after the child’s fight for her life against cancer made their hair fall out. Now the warrior proudly wears a wide variety of styles, but the girl’s favorite bells were always included.


The end of the world was not caused by a nuclear war or an apocalyptic disease breakout. Rather it was caused by the death of one individual. Here is their story.


You are what mankind believes to be the devil. However, there are three things that they’ve got all wrong, first of all:

1) everyone goes to heaven, no matter what they do in their life

2) you’re the only one who’s ever escaped heaven

3) heaven is absolutely and utterly fucked
