

Just wondering if I should wait for another mild heartbreak to finally disappear under mysterious circumstances or just do it right now anyway.

The idea that I haven’t lived this life to the fullest, makes me feel like, I’ve already lived this life enough and gone old.

I addressed all your losses like they were mine. No, That’s not mercy. I would rather call this a misery instead.

That feminine urge to slap -

Mahendra/ Binodini from Chokher Baali,

Amit from Shesher Kobita

Kushum/ Shoshi from Putulnacher Itikotha

Kopila/ kuber from Padma Nodir Majhi

And many others.

I recall December,

I recall last December my dear.

I recall its every bit

When you were last here.

December is about - losing grips, giving up on dreams, breaking down into pieces, waiting for an old friend to be in our life,again. -A thick hopelessness,stuck in the throat.

December is all about fantasy and an unknown courage, picking up the pieces and building ourselves again. December is surreal. December is an illusion.

I get choked on “You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath”

My university class: describe yourself as a writer in one sentence

Me: now… how do i say “i write fanfiction” academically?
