#writeblr introduction

hey folks! so i’ve crawled out of the grave i regularly retire in and am trying to write actively ag

hey folks! so i’ve crawled out of the grave i regularly retire in and am trying to write actively again! my name’s kay and i’m a 22 year old university student. my pronouns are she/her. i’m looking to connect with some new writeblrs and reconnect with some old ones since it’s been months since i’ve been active on here.  you may remember me posting about a few works, namely final stop andcleavecross.

genres : speculative fiction in general. special emphasis on horror, futures good and bad, cyberpunk, an occasional fantasy wip thrown in there, and sometimes some surprisingly grounded works that even i am not expecting.

formats: novels are my big focus, but i also sometimes like to work in screenplays, and i’m trying to work on writing some podcasts recently as i have been consuming a lot of such content.

themes : haunted houses, house or place as monster, ghosts, driving places, isolation, lesbians more often than not, love as constructive, love as destructive, running away vs. staying put. 

current wips : cleavecross (83k / dark fantasy / bad city. bad people. bad endings.), kernel rot (35k / cyberpunk / who wouldn’t kill for the last pod girl?), eyeline (planning / paranoid thriller / a projectionist. five seconds of film. a murder.), unnamed work (planning / haunted noir / a series of case notes on the groveview hotel.)

i’d love to hear about your works! my goal with my return to writeblr is to be more interactive with the community, so feel free to dm me or shoot me an ask and talk about what you’re working on! 

Post link


An image of two enamel pins attached to a denim jacket. One is an open mouth with fangs and the other is a speech bubble that says: "Ask me about my hyperfixation."

Hi, I’m Juliana! I like to write fantasy and sci-fi stories about good people making mistakes and fixing them as they try to do right by the people they love. 


An image of a wreath of roses. Through the center you can see an out-of-focus lantern light that looks like the moon.
Miniature Roses:A scientist and her vampire test subject fall in love in the early 20th century as they work together to discover an alternative diet to human blood.
(CURRENT STATUS: revising second draft)
An image of a carnival at sunset. The sky is a purple to orange gradient. Multiple rides are lit both by the fading sun and by attached lights in multiple colours.
A Brief Family History of the Magical Mundane: Five college students embark on a summer road trip to hit magical hotspots across the USA, reconciling old familial wounds and unearthing new ones along the way.
(CURRENT STATUS: reoutlining; formerly “Cat and Cleo’s Guide to Cross-Country Liminality”/“CCGCCL”)

Besides media and writing, you may also see posts on my blog about: art, linguistics, Magic the Gathering, fashion, cosplay, natural science, and cultural history.

I’m always looking for more creative mutuals (writing or otherwise) who want to take an active role in getting to know and supporting each other’s work. Feel free to send me a message or interact with this post!

Both these wips look very cool :D


Writeblr Introduction 2022

Updated: 26th of May 2022

Redoing my Writeblr Introduction for 2022 since a lot of my projects and publishing goals have shifted slightly in the last year.

First of all, let’s get the ‘hello’s’ out of the way! My name is Ari! I’m a fiction writer in her thirties based in the South-East of England.

I live with my mother and my cat, and spend my days wandering through the fantasy worlds that I’ve created, and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

While Tumblr is my primary social media platform I’m also on Instagram, Facebook, and reluctantly Twitter. If you’d like to follow me on any of those platforms, you can find links to my profiles via my website; www.aristaholmes.weebly.com

My planned projects can be found below the cut. If you’d like to be added to my general tag list, or one for a specific project, please let me know! Either drop me a message on this post, or shoot me an ask. My inbox is always open <3

I’ve also created dedicated side blogs for each project, where I reblog any project specific content, world building notes, prompt fills, or snippet shares etc. Links to those side blogs can be found below.

General Tag List:

@/faelanvance @/noirepersonal @/queen-kass-the-writer @/athenswrites @/thelaughingstag

@/talesfromaurea (No gore or torture)

Fey Touched Stories;

  • Prequel - Whatever Happened To Madeline Hail?
  • Book One - Changeling
  • Book Two - Darkling
  • Book Three - Fey Touched
  • Seasonal Novella - Once Upon A Fey Touched Holiday

The Fey Touched Trilogy is a Portal Fantasy and planned to be my debut novel series. I’d ideally like to publish Book One, Changeling, in the first quarter of 2023, so I’ll be focussing on completing the entire trilogy in 2022 so that I can follow a rapid release schedule for the series.

Assuming no delays or unanticipated crisis cropping up, I hope to have my Newsletter up and running by October 2022 to offer the free prequel short story to anyone who signs up.

Tag List:@/jezifster

Changeling Blurb

Fey go missing in the mortal realm. Everyone knows that.

When Lizzy’s mother is the next to vanish she is expected to grieve and move on. Instead Lizzy wants to find out what happened, but the answers she seeks can’t be found in the fey realm of Arbaon. With the help of her best friend, Booker Reed, Lizzy is determined to retrace her mother’s final steps, straight through an illegal portal and into the mortal realm.

Whatever leads she expected to find, it wasn’t an academy of vampires, and a world stalked by their rabid cousins, the kavians. Forced to rely on the vampires for protection, and secluded away behind the high walls of Speculo School, it quickly becomes clear that not everyone is pleased with Lizzy and Booker’s investigation.

​With danger building the further they dig, the two fey need to decide if the answers they seek are worth risking their lives for. The longer they remain with the vampires, the more Lizzy begins to suspect that her answers instead lie amongst the deadly kavians.

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Writeblr (Re)Introduction

Hello lovely people of tumblr! It’s been a very long time since I’ve been consistently active on here, with a lot of things happening in my life that’ve kept me from posting regularly (turns out vet school is a lot of fun but a lot of work)

So I’ve decided to reintroduce myself and my current projects because I’m sure there’s a lot of new people in the community by now.

My name is Atlas, I’m a 23 year old nonbinary person from Australia and I’ve been writing ever since I was little. My current WIP is Far From the Tree, the first in a series of books that follows the adventures of a fallen angel and an ancient demon as they try to navigate their blossoming relationship while also trying to stop hell from dying. It’s got fantasy, magic, a lot of LGBTQ+ rep (said angel and demon are both women, plus many other queer characters throughout).

Previously I’ve worked on a standalone Australian zombie apocalypse novel called Rabid,which I plan to edit later this year in preparation for publishing. I also wrote a novel called Gaslight for NaNoWriMo two (I think) years ago, though it needs significant redrafting and I’m not currently working on it.

Feel free to message me to talk about my WIPs, your WIPs, or to ask for a shoutout on my page. I love doing tag games so if you tag me I’ll most definitely respond. For now I plan to share excerpts of Far From the Tree as well as some character studies and moodboards.

And I think that’s it! I’m glad to be back and so excited to write this story

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚—welcome to my blog!


vanitas, let’s go! °. *࿐


mara q. | she/her | infj, 9w1, weeb | professional dumbass

  • writing advice, tips, wip content, and personal experiences
  • requests: open/ closed (feel free to request any specific writing-related post you would like and send it in as an ask!)

rules;masterlist;tag navi;reposting policy



morphaeus: MORPHAEUS— introductionHello! My name is Micah, formerly of annalisawrites. After a gre


— introduction

Hello! My name is Micah, formerly of annalisawrites. After a great deal of reflection, I’ve decided to rename my writeblr and myself for the new year. So, hello, and welcome to morphaeus! I’m thirty, almost thirty-one, non-binary, and transmasc, and my pronouns are he/they. I live in the midwest of the united states, and I’m a part-time graphic design major. I’m neurodivergent (adhd, social anxiety, depression) and I have chronic pain (migraines).

Right now I have three major works in progress, summarized below the cut, with a fourth idea brewing below the surface, which I am excited to eventually introduce.


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gabbymaybe - a writeblr (re)-introduction

hey everyone, it’s gabby! i figured since it’s been months since i updated my writeblr (uni is ridiculously hard, cut me some slack), i should reintroduce myself. i used to post under the username achileans, but i hate it, so here we are. you can track my original works through the tag *gabbyor*mine.

about me

  • gabby, eighteen, entp (which i highly disagree with but okay)
  • english creative writing student (and struggling)
  • my favorite genre to write is young adult fantasy, my favorite genre to read is new adult romance
  • gilmore girls fanatic, i base my entire personality on lorelai gilmore, no i cannot be saved
  • music taste is all over the place but taylor swift,bts,laundry day, and lauv>>>

my wips

the illiana society.

the library of illiana was the greatest magical library in the world, that is, until it burned with everything and everyone in it. this is that story. ya fantasy, multi pov, small town setting, magical libraries, and family curses
status: drafting
tracking tag: #illianawip
(under construction) wip tag wip intro pinterest boardspotify playlist


description to come. ya fantasy, single pov, adventure, underground worlds
status: brainstorming

you can find me here, on twitter where i’m most active, on pinterest, and on spotify!

Hello! My name is Hayden Rodgers. I’m 28 and I live in Sydney, Australia.

What I’m writing:

I’ve always been a huge fan of the fantasy-adventure genre ever since I was a little nerdy child I’ve wanted to write a novel like the ones I grew up on. I’ve built worlds countless times and started actually writing a book at least 3 times but I’ve never finished (sound familiar?). The dream got away from me. But it keeps resurfacing. So I’m determined to finally make little me proud.

The aim is to be original, steer clear of obvious tropes or dive headfirst into them to subvert them, avoid classic fantasy races, investigate what magic is and means to my world, and play with bringing other genres into my writing - particularly the noir style.

How I’m doing it:

So I’m doing things a little differently. I’ve started a podcast called Kill My Darlings (hence the blog title) where I discuss the world building and writing process as well as short stories. Each week I cover one facet of my world or characters and then write a short story to test the things I’ve just spoken about. Then I ask the audience for feedback - in the form of comments on my ~other~blog or just sending me asks,tweets,DMs,messages, or emails. Literally just talk to me anywhere please.

The other thing that’s really handy for other writers is each week I also do an Appendices episode about a particular part of the genre. So far I’ve done one on Tolkien, the Chosen One trope, and real life Magic Mythology.


That link takes you to Spotify but it’s also available on iTunes, YouTube, Stitcher, or any podcatcher you like. Links to all that stuff in on my Tumblr blog AND my ~other~ blog if you’re interested.

So come say hi!

The feedback part of is this whole project is really important. So I’d love the help of Writeblr. I’m trying to figure out the best way to share my short stories directly here for feedback. I don’t like that I can’t tab indent the first line of paragraphs and dialogue on Tumblr so I’ve been embedding Google Docs but obviously they don’t show up on the dash because…(?!who knows??). Anyway, if you have suggestions that’d be great too haha.
