#writer games


Writer Character Analysis Game

Ooh! That gives me a game idea.

Send me a personality trait or one of my characters’ names and I’ll analyze the trait.

In other words: if you send me a trait, I’ll figure out a character that has that trait and type out a short analysis of what made them have it.

If you send me a character, I’ll pick one of their random traits and analyze it in the same way as above.


Send Me A Ship And I’ll Say Who:

  • leaves their dirty clothes on the floor
  • forgets to run the dish washer
  • pumps gas for the car
  • drives when they’re going somewhere
  • rearranges the furniture
  • falls asleep with the TV on
  • gets to use the bathroom first
  • decides the temperature for the ac/heater
  • sets up holiday decorations
  • leaves the lights on
  • uses the bathroom with the door open
  • fixes the plumbing (or calls the plumber)