#writer preview


The liminal space of an airport: a transient feeling, melancholy and stuck in time.

Follow Kirishima as he’s stuck in the airport and meets Bakugou—a fascinating, bizarre, well-traveled pilot—in Shippeh’s fic “Carry-on.”

“Time inside an airport twists and turns and when it isn’t slow, it’s fast. It is fast like the pounding of a child’s broken leather heel as they race to catch up to their mother’s rushing grip — fast like the sweat beading down every identical food court employee’s run-ragged hair — fast like blinking numbers on half-broken signs that change every time you look and never, ever match the printed ink on the ticket you cling to in a frantic hand.

A day spent at an airport is a day lost to time and a day you will never get back. Things that happen in wide, white noise terminals are things that do not matter and will never matter.

It was exactly the kind of twisted space and time that Kirishima Eijirou so desperately needed.”

⚙️Lionheart: A KiriBaku Fanfic Anthology pre-orders open now

Imagine it: Post-graduation Canonverse AU, oblivious Kirishima, blind date with a twist, VERY detailed & lengthy exploration of [REDACTED] all wrapped up in a long-form, super sexy one-shot… In a setting you might not expect

Check out bigstupidjellyfish’s preview below!

“This…he absolutely should have anticipated, the very second he realized who he was dealing with. Bakugou operated on recognition of his skills, of his talents and how he applied them. Kirishima was the worst kind of enabler—a sincere one. Always generous with praises and admiration for people when they deserved it. That was a feedback loop of their relationship, naturally appearing in any instance of Bakugou doing anything, and Kirishima watched him doing anything. Inevitably, a tangible opportunity to hear how good he was from Kirishima dictated a shift in Bakugou’s motivation now. He wasn’t just showing off his skills to some extra. He was searching for precise ways to please Kirishima, to deserve hearing his highest, sincerest praises.”

⚙️Lionheart: A KiriBaku Fanfic Anthology pre-orders open through October 1st


i cannot find enough words to describe how excited i am for @underdogszine​, which combines two of my favorite things: fashion & bnha minor characters! here’s a preview of my long article in the zine!

if this piques your interest, you can preorder the zine at underdogszine.bigcartel.com

[Image Text]

Underdogs: Preorders Open Now
How Invisible Girl Used Eye-Catching Fashion to Battle the Effects of Quirk Discrimination
“Not only is the style something super eye-catching, but the whole movement and community behind it have also been very inspiring for me,”  Invisible Girl told us. “When I first developed my Quirk, it felt like the world had ended for me. I felt like I didn’t exist anymore … and some people started acting that way too or pretending that I was a ghost. It was a very isolating experience. But, Yami Kawaii helped me find myself again!”


You can really feel the love and passion Reki has for his work in ss_tyytyy’s piece

Pre-orders close tomorrow night!

Check Out Our Zine Store Here

Paint the Streets is a #SK8THEINFINITY zine centered around Graffiti Art, Grunge Aesthetics, and Creative Expression


Poor Cherry, he just want to help Adam in ss_tyytyy’s piece but Adam makes it difficult

Pre-orders Close on May 23rd

Check out our store here

Paint the Streets is a #SK8THEINFINITY zine about Graffiti Art, Grunge Aesthetics, and Creative Expression


I wrote a piece for @todokamizine​ about Shouto snorting Doritos like cocaine because he’s never been without oppressive adult authority telling him what to do before. It’s peak dumbass, and you should check out the store here.


For the @atlamagazine,I wanted to give our poor, begrieved Cabbage Man his dues in his own opinion piece. (And Uncle Iroh’s there to give advice!)

The zine’s open for preorders, check it out!


Here’s another sneak peek for the first of my pieces for the Four Nations Magazine ATLA Fanzine! Preorders are open between 8/16/2021 and 9/13/2021 here! Go check it out, there are tons of amazing ATLA writers and artists featured!

@atlamagazine template by @wafflesandkruge

[Image ID: A square image of a banner and text, with the banner taking up half the square of orange decorated with watermarks of the four emblems of the Four Nations of the ATLA world. At the top of the banner in white text reads “Four Nations Magazine” and below it in smaller text is “-sneak peak-”. In the center of the image is a square of paper-textured off-white, with text in a brush-like font reading “This place is so boring. It’s a giant hole in the ground. Worse, it’s a giant hole in the ground with equally giant furry six-legged insects. If that’s not nightmare material, I don’t even know what is.”/end ID]


Here’s another sneak peek at my second piece for the Four Nations Magazine ATLA Fanzine! Preorders are open from 8/16/2021 to 9/13/2021 here! Go check it out, there are tons of fantastic ATLA writers and artists featured!

@atlamagazine template by @wafflesandkruge

[Image ID: A square image of a banner and text, with the banner taking up half the square of orange decorated with watermarks of the four emblems of the Four Nations of the ATLA world. At the top of the banner in white text reads “Four Nations Magazine” and below it in smaller text is “-sneak peak-”. In the center of the image is a square of paper-textured off-white, with text in a brush-like font reading “4NMag: Goodness, but that is definitely a stark contrast to our beloved Fire Lord now! What do you think changed, Lieutenant?

Jee: I can’t really say definitively, but I do know what changed my perspective of him.”/end ID]


A sneak peek for the second piece I did for the Four Nations Magazine ATLA Fanzine! Preorders are open from 8/16/2021 to 9/13/2021, so go check it out here! There are tons of fantastic authors and artists featured!

@atlamagazine template design by @wafflesandkruge

[Image ID: A square image of a banner and text, with the banner taking up half the square of orange decorated with watermarks of the four emblems of the Four Nations of the ATLA world. At the top of the banner in white text reads “Four Nations Magazine” and below it in smaller text is “-sneak peak-”. In the center of the image is a square of paper-textured off-white, with text in a brush-like font reading “He marches onto the bridge, barely able to walk in a straight line, and demands to know our course and heading. His voice was cracking and rasping all over the place, and I remember my first thought being who on earth let this spirits-cursed child on the ship?”/end ID]


Here’s a sneak peak of one of my pieces for the Four Nations Magazine fanzine! Preorders are open from 8/16/2021 to 9/13/2021 at https://fournationsmagazine.bigcartel.com/ Go check it out! There are a ton of fabulous authors and artists featured!

@atlamagazine template design by @wafflesandkruge

[Image ID: A square image of a banner and text, with the banner taking up half the square of orange decorated with watermarks of the four emblems of the Four Nations of the ATLA world. At the top of the banner in white text reads “Four Nations Magazine” and below it in smaller text is “-sneak peak-”. In the center of the image is a square of paper-textured off-white, with text in a brush-like font reading “Honestly, if you wanted a choice vacation spot, you could do a lot worse than Manyue Village. Just don’t stay at the inn. The inn is creepy. No, I don’t feel like elaborating, just take my word for it. Go camping in the woods, you’ll be much safer.

While you’re there, have a bowl of shui zhu yu, Manyue’s head-spinningly spicy boiled fish soup. You’ll be breathing fire like a dragon for the rest of the day, but it’s so worth it.”/end ID]

✨ZINE WRITER PREVIEW✨Yuuri is a thief who’ll steal your heart in this historical heist AU by Aze @az


Yuuri is a thief who’ll steal your heart in this historical heist AU by Aze @azraelyz!

See Aze’s work: Tumblr|AO3|Twitter

☕From Coffee Shops to Slow Burns is a Yuri!!! on Ice zine serving up all your favorite tropes!


Pre-Orders Close TODAY!

Post link
✨ZINE WRITER PREVIEW✨Your heart will pound for Victor and Yuuri’s forbidden romance in this thrillin


Your heart will pound for Victor and Yuuri’s forbidden romance in this thrilling royalty AU by RobotSquid @frozencalamari!

See RobotSquid’s work: Tumblr|AO3|Twitter

☕From Coffee Shops to Slow Burns is a Yuri!!! on Ice zine serving up all your favorite tropes!


Pre-Orders Close TODAY!

Post link