#writer promotion




Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home. - Unknown

yandere!Bucky Barnes x Reader, OCs

Word Count:~4k

Summary: Bucky wants to make the world a better place for you.

Warnings: swearing, obsession, stalking, manipulation, dark themes, sexual themes, murder, mention of sexual violence, violence, mention of drug abuse, mention of domestic violence, Winter Soldier references. MINORS DNI

A/N:This is my first fic involving these kinds of themes so please let me know if I missed any warnings. I’m nervous about posting this but I love how this turned out


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Love the twist at the end, and I love how dedicated he is. Dreamy sigh.

I love dark bucky, but I love dark reader more. This hit all the right spots with that, for sure



Dark Eyes

Summary: After being stalked for almost two years and moving home three times, can you finally settle down? More importantly, can Andy convince you to stay?

Warnings: fluff (I hope that’s the point), Mentioned but not described in detail: attempted murder, stalking, assault, abduction.

W/C: 1.5k

Bingo:@anyfandomfluffbingoSquare Filled: lawyer/client

Characters: Andy Barber, necessary OC’s, reader.

Pairing: Andy Barber x You (she/her/you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity)

Notes: Defending Jacob never happened, for the purposes of this fic Andy is single.

A/N: As soon as I saw the square this blossomed in my head so it kinda wrote itself.

Betas:@cockslut-padalecki//@wonder-cole // all mistakes are still mine.

Graphics: images found on google. Dividersby@firefly-in-darkness

Master Lists: Main//Any Fandom Fluff Bingo

You sit nervously on the wooden chair at the prosecutors desk listening to the defence lawyer, Davis Smith, give his closing argument. The jury isn’t buying it, the women are all tight-lipped and have stern expressions. The men seem bored. It’s true what they say, never trust a man with two last names.

“Lastly, I would like to thank you for your time,” Davis says and gives a slight bow before returning to his table next to his client, Sam Scott.

Andy Barber, your lawyer, twists in his seat to give you a reassuring smile and he doesn’t need to say anything, his grin says it all; ‘I’ve got this.’

He stands, buttoning his jacket up. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Davis has used my opening line of thanking you for your time. But let’s be honest, we all know your time has been wasted.”

Juror number six; a woman in her early thirties nods and is halfway through an eye roll before she gently coughs it away, realizing she’s supposed to remain neutral.

“This case should never have made it to this courtroom. Mr Scott-” Andy gestures toward the man sitting at the defence table as if the jurors could forget who’s on trial. “-stalked Y/N Y/L/N for over two years, simply because she was kind enough to buy him a coffee one morning after he forgot his wallet. He couldn’t handle rejection from a beautiful woman, he refused to take no for an answer so instead, he put her through hell. She moved homes three times, left a job she loved and eventually had to change cities to escape him because no one took her seriously.”

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okay wait, okay wait hold on i have to catch my breath, this was so good.

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thank you
