#writers event




There’s a wide variety of creative content throughout the BNHA fandom, and what better way to celebrate that creativity than to host an event where we all come together to express it freely?! The BNHA Big Bang is a fandom-wide open event for all writers, artists, and any other content creator. 

If you’ve never heard of one, a Big Bang is a collaboration between writers and artists that seeks to create amazing content for the fandom. This event will challenge you to write a story with a longer word count by the selected deadline and work together with artists to create fanart, playlists, moodboards, and more for the completed fic! 

Participating in the event will earn you a spot in the Big Bang Academia Discord server. This will be everyone’s primary means of communication, so if you don’t have an account but would like to join in on the project, you’ll have to make one!

Interested in a chance to bond with a bunch of creators? How about creating more content for the fandom? Consider joining! It’s a great way to be exposed to tons of new fics and art for your favorite characters!

Please see more details below! 


Czytaj dalej

Hi everyone! (〃▽〃) I wanna let you know that I will be participating in this event! This is the first time I’m taking part in an event like this but already I can tell the people involved in this are very welcoming and kind! I will participate as an artist (of course, lol) so If you also do art or as many of my followers you are a writer please consider joining! Maybe we will be paired and I will illustrate your fanfic! (ノ▽〃)
