#writing is pain














The real writer experience is standing in the shower and coming up with the most authentic dialogue with perfect phrasing and raw emotion in your head, then stepping out and drying your hair, putting on some clean pajamas and opening a word document to write down all your perfect ideas only to realize everything has evaporated. 


Never lose a perfect shower line again.*

*Remember to erase promptly if you share a bathroom with anyone.

I’ve used these to outline term papers. nothing like a bath to get your brain to finally kick into gear and figure out your damn thesis


Also these handy little guys if you prefer a notepad:

Are you kidding, shower crayons are the BEST when you share a bathroom with other people. When I was in college, we had them and we would use them to carry on philosophical debates, finish song lyrics, get life/writing advice, etc. It was so much fun and I miss it. 

Oh my GOD no one told me these existed


God fucking bless the people who made these

Going back into the shower (you don’t need to turn it on) can be enough to retrieve the memory

Our brains refresh every time we go through a doorway. It packs away the data from the room we left so it can load up the floor plan of the room we’re going into. If you go back to the room where you had the thought your brain will often unpack the memory when it’s loading up the floor plan

are you telling me i can’t remember info bc my brain is rendering???


omg, who made this, this is the realest thing i read for last 5 days

You never lost your honour because you didn’t finish an activity you began for fun. No one can take your honour for that.

But you can gain a great deal of healthy pride, and fresh confidence, and have a greater feeling of self-worth, and that is something no one can argue against.

Do not force yourself to finish a puzzle you began because it was a rainy day. You can carefully put the puzzle away and someday it will be waiting.

In the meantime, admire your finished puzzles, framed and beautiful, or look for inspiration in the displays others have shared. You can complete your puzzle when you are ready to.

And for the love of god if you’re missing a piece just skip it, watch He-Man What’s Going On, and then come back to it another time.

Sending love to all writers <3
